Page 101 - Benefits-of-Immigration-for-Newfoundland-and-Labrador
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BERRY HILL CAMPGROUND OTENTIKS– Family-owned campground located in the
PARKS CANADA GROS MORNE NATIONAL “Heart of Gros Morne,” minutes from all park
PARK FTYI48 attractions. Accommodate everything from
8 Glamping units, May 26–Sep 24 Loc: Berry Hill big rigs to tents. Amenities: Beach, comfort Western
Campground T: (709) 458 2417 TF: (877) 737 3783 station, convenience store, drinking water,
E: W: dumping station, electric hook-ups, firepit/
nl/grosmorne/activ/camping/hebergement- BBQ, internet/wi-fi, interpretive programs,
accommodation-pcrs Description: Parks laundry, playground/play area, pull-through
Canada’s oTENTiks offer a unique blend of sites, sewage hook-ups, unserviced sites, water
welcoming comfort and outdoor adventure. Part hook-ups. $$: Site $29–$60, cabin $85–$155,
tent, part cabin, oTENTik units come equipped glamping dome $160–$200. CC: Debit, MC, V,
with beds and furniture on a raised wooden e-Transfer.
floor. Amenities: Comfort station, drinking water, Campgrounds
drive-in sites, dumping station, firepit/BBQ, Green Point, Route 430 (J7)
internet/wi-fi, laundry, playground/play area, GREEN POINT CAMPGROUND–
seniors’ rate, unserviced sites. $$: See website. PARKS CANADA GROS MORNE NATIONAL
CC: AE, Debit, MC, V. PARK FTYI-438
30 Sites, May 20–Oct 10 Loc: Route 430, 12
GROS MORNE RV / CAMPGROUND -32 km north of Rocky Harbour T: (709) 458 2417
75 Sites, May 15–Oct 15 Loc: 41 West TF: (877) 737 3783 E:
Link Road T: (709) 458 3133 Off-Season W: Description: Green
T: (709) 458 2238 TF: (877) 488 3133 E: Point Campground offers spectacular ocean W: Description: views year-round and plenty of amenities
in summer season, including serviced and
Situated in Rocky Harbour–“The Heart of Gros unserviced sites, oTENTiks, and an off-leash
Morne National Park.” Serviced RV and secluded
campsites and motel accommodations. dog park. Amenities: Beach, comfort station,
drinking water, drive-in sites, dumping station,
Walking distance to ocean sunsets. Good Sam electric hook-ups, firepit/BBQ, internet/wi-fi,
Park. Amenities: Comfort station, convenience
store, dumping station, electric hook-ups, seniors’ rate, unserviced sites, water hook-ups.
$$: National park entry pass and camping fees
firepit/BBQ, internet/wi-fi, laundry, playground/
play area, pull-through sites, sewage hook-ups, required. See website. CC: AE, Debit, MC, V.
unserviced sites, water hook-ups. $$: $30–$45. GREEN POINT CAMPGROUND OTENTIKS–
Norris Point, Route 430 (K7)
8 Glamping units, May 19–Oct 9 Loc: Green
GROS MORNE BASECAMP (C) FY3 Point Campground T: (709) 458 2417 TF: (877)
5 Cottages, May 20–Oct 13 Loc: 282 Main 737 3783 E: W: pc.gc.
Street Off-Season T: (709) 638 2531 TF: (833) ca/grosmorne Description: Parks Canada’s
210 2900 E: W: oTENTiks offer a unique blend of welcoming Description: Self- comfort and outdoor adventure. Part tent,
contained cabins with full kitchen, BBQs and part cabin, oTENTik units come equipped with
communal firepit. Walking distance to restaurants, beds and furniture on a raised wooden floor.
trails, tours, and the ocean. Amenities: BBQ, Amenities: Beach, comfort station, drinking
balcony/deck, cribs, internet/wi-fi, iron/board, water, drive-in sites, dumping station, firepit/
kitchen/kitchenette, no pets allowed (service BBQ, internet/wi-fi, seniors’ rate, unserviced
animals welcome), playground/play area, private sites. $$: See website. CC: AE, Debit, MC, V.
bath/ensuite, rooms w/2 beds, waterfront view.
$$: Double: 1-bedroom $169, 2-bedroom $189, Cow Head, Route 430 (I7)
extra person $10. CC: AE, MC, V, e-Transfer. SEA BREEZE RV PARK F-2
8 Sites, May 15–Oct 10 Loc: 19-21 Corner
GROS MORNE / NORRIS POINT Road T: (709) 243 2888 TF: (877) 743 2888 E:
103 Sites, 10 cabins, May 15–Oct 15 Loc: Description: Oceanfront camping in the scenic
Norris Point Access Road off Route 430 T:
(709) 458 8220 TF: (800) 562 3441 E: koa. town of Cow Head, located in Gros Morne
National Park. Closest RV park to Western W: Brook Pond, walk to theatre and restaurants.
campgrounds/gros-morne Description:
Amenities: Beach, comfort station, drinking
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