Page 106 - Benefits-of-Immigration-for-Newfoundland-and-Labrador
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Upper Ferry, Route 406 (S3)     Trail The trail climbs 340 metres for a
                                         panoramic view of Bay St. George, the Gulf
         CODROY VALLEY WETLAND CENTRE F3  of St. Lawrence, and Long Range Mountains.
         Wetlands of international importance. A   Round trip is ~2 hours Season: Mid May–Mid
         Ramsar site. Information Centre with lookout
         over estuary, interactive electronics, computer   Sep Loc: Route 1 T: (709) 649 0048 Off-Season
                                         T: (709) 637 2040 E: W: parksnl.
         access with wi-fi. Local trail maps and area   ca $$: See website. CC: Debit, MC, V.
         information. Season: Jun 18–Aug 31 Wetlands
         Trail A peaceful, 3.43-km walking trail with   King George IV Ecological Reserve,
         lookout areas to the Grand Codroy Wetlands.   Route 480 (Q7)
         A birding hotspot trail. Picnic and rest areas.
         Gravel and natural turf. Season: May 1–Oct 31   KING GEORGE IV ECOLOGICAL RESERVE
                                         This remote, unserviced reserve protects one of
         Loc: Route 406 T: (709) 955 2115 E: codroyvada@  the largest undisturbed river delta sites on the $$: Donations welcome.
                                         island of Newfoundland. An important migratory
         Searston, Route 407 (S2)        stopover for waterfowl. Season: Jan 1–Dec 31
                                         Loc: 90 km north of Burgeo T: (709) 637 4066 E:
         Scenic park with beach located at the mouth   areas $$: Free. Researchers require a permit.
         of the Grand Codroy River. A natural scenic
         attraction park. Season: Early Jun–Mid Oct   Burgeo, Route 480 (T8)
         Loc: Route 407 T: (709) 637 2040 E: info@ W: $$: See website.  ROCKY ISLAND TOURS 4
                                         Kayak rentals, guided tours, boat tours, and
         Robinsons, Route 404 (Q4)       cod, trout, and mackerel fishing around the
                                         secluded islands and bays of the area. Season:
         PIRATE’S HAVEN ATV TOURING,     Jun 25–Sep 10 Loc: 111 Reach Road T: (709)
         ADVENTURES & RENTALS FYI32      886 2544 / (780) 714 1814 TF: (888) 603 0273 E:
         Scheduled and customized guided ATV W: burgeohaven.
         excursions where adventure and serenity   com $$: Kayak: single $40–$80, double $60–
         abound. Trails, backcountry, beaches, and   $100. Boat tours $50/person/hour, based on
         oceans. Trail mug-up lunch and treats, ATV/  double occupancy. CC: AE, V, e-Transfer.
         SXS bike rentals and guided tours. Season:
         May 1–Oct 30 Loc: Route 404 T: (709) 645 2169   Route 480 (T8)
         / 649 0601 E: W: $$: Scheduled   SANDBANKS PROVINCIAL PARK
                                         The park’s undulating sand dunes and long
         tours $90/person. Custom tours $100/hour   expanses of flat, sandy beaches are some
         (additional costs for more than 8 riders). Rates   of the best on the island. Spruce-fir forest
         vary for rentals. CC: AE, Debit, MC, V, e-Transfer.
                                         and barrens, typical of the south coast, are
         St. George’s, Route 461 (P5)    found further inland. Season: Late May–Mid
                                         Sep Coastal Trails These trails are made up
         K’TAQMKUK MI’KMAQ               of 5 beaches with 7 km of beautiful white
         HISTORICAL MUSEUM 9             sand. Walk and beachcomb while looking
         Celebrating the rich culture of the Mi’kmaq   for shorebirds feeding in the shallows. The
         people of Newfoundland. Aboriginal youth   endangered Piping Plover nests here. Season:
         are eagerly waiting to welcome you, to offer   Mid May–Mid Sep Loc: Route 480 T: (709) 886
         tours, and to share their knowledge of local   2331 Off-Season T: (709) 637 2040 E: info@
         culture with you! Season: Jun 26–Aug 25 Loc: W: $$: See website. CC:
         183 Main Street T: (709) 647 3647 / 649 1169 E:   Debit, MC, V. W: $$:
         Adults $5, students $3, children (under 6) free.   Stephenville, Route 460 (O5)
         Group rates available.
                                         ANCIENT CARBONIFEROUS
         Route 1 (P6)                    FOSSIL TREES FY
                                         In the heart of Stephenville, you’ll find fossilized
         BARACHOIS POND PROVINCIAL PARK   samples of the first seed-producing trees in the
         The largest provincial park in western   shallow riverbed of Blanche Brook. Follow the
         Newfoundland has 3,500 hectares of balsam   signs on Riverside Drive off the Hansen Highway.
         fir forest, freshwater swimming beaches,   Season: Apr 1–Nov 30 Loc: Riverside Drive T:
         birdwatching, mountain streams, and hiking   (709) 649 2038 E:
         trails with panoramic views. Erin Mountain

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