Page 108 - Benefits-of-Immigration-for-Newfoundland-and-Labrador
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OUR LADY OF MERCY MUSEUM, CRAFT /  cuisson de 12h à 14h. Venez goûter du pain!
         GIFT SHOP AND TEA ROOM FTYI     Gratuit. Season: Jul 3–Aug 31 Loc: The end of
         Religious, cultural, and educational artifacts,   Seashore Lane at Boutte du Cap Park T: (709)
         information on Aguathuna limestone quarry,   644 2290 / 649 6096 Off-Season T: (709) 642
         Abbott  &  Halibuton  business  (oldest  in   5254 E: W: $$: Free.
         area), local craft shop with souvenirs and   CC: PayPal, e-Transfer.
         crafts, tea room. Season: July 3–August 27
         Loc: 103 Main Street T: (709) 721 0200 / 648   MI’KMAQEI MAWIOM–
         9544 E: W:   MI’KMAW CENTRE FTYI4
                                         Our regional Mi’kmaw cultural centre and $$: $3. CC: e-Transfer.
                                         public space operated by Benoit First Nation
         Lourdes, Route 463 (O3)         showcases our proud history, culture,
                                         traditions, and friendliness. Season: May 15–
         OUR LADY OF LOURDES GROTTO 47   Nov 30 Loc: 811 Oceanview Drive T: (709) 272
         A beautiful grotto built in 1987 and located at   2085 / 214 0180 E: info.benoitfirstnation@
         Our Lady of Lourdes Parish. Flower gardens, W: $$: Free.
         water fountain, Stations of the Cross, rosary   CC: Debit, MC, PayPal, V, e-Transfer.
         beads made of fishing net buoys, statues, and
         gift shop. Season: May 20–Oct 12 Loc: 78 Main
         Street T: (709) 642 5367 / 721 0004 Off-Season
         T: (709) 642 5617 E:
         W: $$: Free.
         Mainland/La Grand’terre, Route 463 (O3)
         Visit our small French museum, tour our Centre
         scolaire et communautaire Sainte-Anne and buy
         a French or bilingual souvenir made by our local
         residents. Visitez notre petit musée au Centre
         Ste-Anne. Season: Jun 1–Aug 26 Loc: Centre
         Scolaire et Communautaire, 231 Islandview   PARK–BOUTTE DU CAP F4
                                         Breathtaking views of cliffs, whales, and
         Road T: (709) 642 5254 / 649 6096 E: dg@arcotnl.  seabirds. Traditional French bread oven and
         ca W: $$: Donations welcome. CC:   Acadian monument. Vue spectaculaire! Des
         AE, Debit, MC, PayPal, V, e-Transfer.
                                         baleines, des oiseaux, les falaises, un four
         MAINLAND CULTURAL               à pain, et le monument Acadien. Season:
         & HERITAGE CENTRE F4            Jun 24–Oct 1 Loc: Route 460 at the end of
         Home to Tea By The Sea and La boutique de   Seashore Lane T: (709) 642 5254 / 649 6096
         ma Grand-Mère, a tea room and craft shop.   E: W: $$: Free. CC:
         Both venues offer visitors a glimpse into our   e-Transfer.
         area’s ancestry. Season: Jul 1–Sep 1 Loc: 268   Corner Brook, Route 1 (N7)
         Islandview Road T: (709) 642 5361 Off-Season T:
         (709) 642 5781 E: mainlandheritagemanager@  BARTLETTS POINT PARK CC: Debit, MC, V, e-Transfer.  Picnic, playground area, and walking trails
                                         located on the shoreline of the Bay of Islands in
         SISTERS’ DREAM SCHOOL MUSEUM F49  the Curling area of the city. Season: Jan 1–Dec 31
         Represents the dream and determination of a   Loc: Petries Street T: (709) 637 1666 E: gsimms@
         small Francophone community complete with W:
         interesting displays, artifacts, and a replica of
         a one-room schoolhouse. Season: Jul 1–Sep   BOOMSTICK BREWING COMPANY FI43
         1 Loc: 270 Islandview Road T: (709) 642 5361 /   Inspired by the best craft brews from around
         5781 E: mainlandheritagemanager@outlook.  the world, drop by our taproom in downtown
         com CC: Debit, e-Transfer.      Corner Brook to try our finely crafted ales
                                         and lagers. Season: Jan 1–Dec 31 Loc: 53-55
         Cape St. George, Route 460 (P3)
                                         West Street T: (709) 388 3300 E: autumn.gale@
         FRENCH BREAD OVEN F4   W: CC:
         Community bread oven used for baking bread.   AE, DC/E, Debit, MC, V.
         Demonstration daily 12pm–2pm. Come and try
         some bread! Four à pain communautaire avec

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