Page 105 - Benefits-of-Immigration-for-Newfoundland-and-Labrador
P. 105

PORT AUX BASQUES                connect the Rose Blanche Lighthouse and the
        MARINE EXCURSIONS FI            town’s harbour. Ocean and harbour views,
        Newfoundland fishermen provide interpretative   outport houses and fishing stages Season:
        ocean fishing experiences and cultural boat   May 1–Nov 30  Loc: Various  T: (709) 956     Western
        tours to resettled fishing communities along   2540 E: W:
        the province’s Southwest Coast. Cap: 2–8
        Season: Jul 1–Oct 16 Loc: 10 Tunnel Road T:   Route 1 (S2)
        (709) 694 0563 / 0568 Off-Season T: (709) 695
        5989 E: W: $$: $100–  J.T. CHEESEMAN PROVINCIAL PARK
        $250. See website. CC: e-Transfer.  This park on the Cape Ray barrens features
                                        bogs, rolling forested hills, floral species, and
                                        wildlife. Smokey Cape Trail A 2-km trail from
                           Marble Mountain
                                        the day-use area to the coast where the spray
                                        from breaking waves looks like smoke, hence
                                        the trail’s name. Season: Mid May–Mid Sep
                                        Loc: Route 1, 15-km east of Port aux Basques T:   Attractions & Adventures
                                        (709) 695 7222 Off-Season T: (709) 637 2040 E:
                               W: $$: See website.
                                        CC: Debit, MC, V.
                                        Cape Ray, Route 408 (S2)
                                        GRAND CODROY WAY –
                                        INTERNATIONAL APPALACHIAN TRAIL FY
                                        A moderate, 2-day, 32-km (20-mile) wilderness
                                        mountain trail and route between Cape Ray
        ROSE BLANCHE LIGHTHOUSE FI372   and Starlight Trail. Season: May 1–Nov 30 Loc:
        Built in 1871 and restored in 1999, this   Tower Road T: (709) 634 7407 E:
        unique granite lighthouse and attached W:
        living quarters is the centerpiece of a well-
        developed 4-acre site that offers spectacular   Tompkins, Route 407 (S3)
        views and many amenities. Rose Blanche
        Lighthouse Trail A 2-km easy, level, circular   MY DEAR MINNIE MUSEUM
        gravel trail with lookouts and rest benches   OF HERITAGE & CULTURE F4
                                        The former family home of the late Minnie
        to enjoy the spectacular ocean and harbour   and Richard White. Exhibits include a Minnie/
        views. Midway is the restored granite   family room, one-room school, and more!
        lighthouse and lightkeeper’s living quarters.   Located 1 km from Route 1. Season: Jul 1–
        Season: Jun 11–Sep 23 Loc: 75 Water Bottom   Aug 31 Loc: Codroy Valley T: (709) 955 2571 E:
        Road T: (709) 956 2052 / 2141 Off-Season T:
        (709) 956 2903 E:
        W: $$: Adults $7,   Doyles, Route 406 (S3)
        students $6, family $14, group rates available.
        CC: Debit, MC, V.               COASTANGS TRAIL F
                                        A moderate 5.5-km hike along the coastline
        ROSE BLANCHE LIGHTHOUSE TRAIL F3  with trailheads at both Searston and St.
        A 2-km easy, level, circular gravel trail with   Andrew’s. The path features scenic ocean
        lookouts and rest benches to enjoy the   and mountain views, unique geology, old
        spectacular ocean and harbour views.   growth forest, and open terrain. Season: May
        Midway is the restored granite lighthouse   31–Oct 31 Loc: Route 407 T: (709) 955 2115 E:
        and lightkeeper’s living quarters. Season: $$: Free.
        Jun–Sep Loc: Rose Blanche Lighthouse Site
        T: (709) 956 2052 / 2141 Off-Season T: (709)   STARLITE TRAIL F
                                        A moderately strenuous hike to the top of the
        956 2903 E: W:   Long Range Mountains. Overlooking Little $$: $6–$14. Includes   Codroy River. Branch off around the side of
        pass to the lighthouse and fishermen’s   the mountain to Campbell’s Lake. Season: May
        museum. CC: Debit, MC, V.
                                        1–Oct 31 Loc: Route 1 near Route 407 T: (709)
        ROSE BLANCHE WALKING TRAILS     955 2115 E:
        Historic Lighthouse, Crow Head and Big
        Bottom Trails are short, moderate trails which

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