Page 123 - Bowie State University Graduate Catalog 2018-2020.
P. 123

Admission to the Program
            Individuals interested in pursuing the graduate program in School Counseling
            must qualify for admission to the Graduate School. The following material must
            be submitted to the Office of Graduate Admissions:

        1.  Completion of a B.A. or B.S. degree with a minimum grade point average of 2.75
            and at least 12 credits in counseling, psychology or a related area.
        2.  Completed Graduate Application Form with the non-refundable application fee.
        3.  Submission of three letters of recommendation. Two letters must be from an
            academic instructor and one letter  from an  employer/supervisor.
            Recommendation forms may be obtained from the  Office of Graduate
            Admissions.  The letters should address both your academic experiences and/or
            your experiences working with children and/or adolescents.
        4.  Submission of a personal statement.  The personal statement  must be a
            typewritten statement not to exceed three single spaced pages in which the
            following points are addressed:
               a.  Discuss your knowledge of the school counseling profession.
               b.  Discuss your experience working with school age (P-12) students.
               c.  What personal qualities do you possess that would make you a good
                   school counselor.
        5.  Students who meet the above qualifications and are most suitable for
            admissions to the program will be invited for an interview as the final stage of
            the admissions process.
        6.  Submission of a Resume highlighting counseling experiences?

            Instructions: Please check each step as you complete it in order to keep track of
            your progress in the academic degree program.
            ___ 1. Once admitted schedule a meeting with your advisor and the
            Coordinator of your Program to introduce yourself and get acquainted with
            their roles.
            ___ 2. Complete a Program of Study and obtain all proper signatures
            ___ 3. Activate your library privileges at the front desk in the Thurgood
            Marshall Library
            ___ 4. Register on Taskstream, the College online assessment system.
            (See Taskstream Instructions in the Appendix)

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