Page 31 - Bowie State University Graduate Catalog 2018-2020.
P. 31
3. Approved proposals will receive feedback from the chair to that
effect. However, unapproved proposal will also receive feedback
with specific indications as to why the proposal was disapproved.
4. An unapproved proposal can be resubmitted for approval if changes
identified by the Board are made.
5. The approval of a proposal remains valid for one year after which a
resubmission must be submitted to the IRB in order to conduct or
continue the research.
6. Any changes made to an approved proposal require the researcher
to submit the revised and updated proposal for approval again
before research can be conducted.
7. An EXEMPT proposal means a research proposal does not involve
human subjects and therefore, it is exempt from further IRB review.
However, such research must be submitted to the chair for his review
and documentation for record purposes and feedback for approval
sent to the individual/group within two weeks from the date of
C. Incomplete Research Paper or Thesis
Students who do not complete the research paper or thesis in the seminar course
must register for Research Advisement (one graduate credit hour) in order to
receive faculty assistance in the completion of the paper or thesis. The student has
two semesters to remove the Incomplete in Seminar.
D. Doctoral Dissertation Guidelines and Processes
The dissertation is required of all students working towards completing a doctoral
degree. Students will observe and follow the policies in the Dissertation
Handbook. Upon completion of the dissertation, students will follow the
procedures to have the document bound and for its submission to the UMI
The doctoral dissertation process starts in the department in which a student will
work with his/her dissertation advisor and four members of the dissertation
committee. One member will be an external examiner from another institution
with expertise in the area in which the student is obtaining his/her degree.
a. External Examiner