Page 43 - Bowie State University Graduate Catalog 2018-2020.
P. 43

II.  A Program of Study will be reported on the Program of Study form.  All
                  requirements to be met by the student, transfer courses and pre-
                  requisites will be detailed on the form.
              III.  The advisor, the student, and the Graduate Dean will sign the form.
              IV.  The Program of Study form will be submitted to the Office of the Registrar
                  for placement in the student’s permanent file.

           Change of Program

           A student who has a program of study approved by an advisor may deviate from
           this program only with the written approval of the advisor and the Graduate Dean.
           A student wishing to alter the program may obtain a Change of Program form from
           the Graduate School Office or the Bowie State University website.


               I.  The student will meet with the advisor to discuss and make changes to
                  the original Program of Study.
               II.  The changes to the Program of Study will be detailed on the Change of
                  Program form.
              III.  The advisor, the student, and the Graduate Dean will sign the Change of
                  Program form.
              IV.  The  Change of Program  form will be  submitted to the  Office of the
                  Registrar for placement in the student’s permanent file.

           Advancement to Candidacy

           Advancement to Candidacy is a major step in fulfilling the requirements for the
           Master's  Degree.  Advancement to Candidacy is accomplished by presenting
           evidence of having an approved program of study, a grade point average of 3.25
           and a minimum of 12  -  18  semester hours of  specific program core courses
           graduate work taken at Bowie State University. Should the required 3.25 average
           not be attained when a  maximum of 18 credit hours  have  been earned,
           Advancement to Candidacy will be denied. Students will be given the opportunity
           to retake courses that were taken as part of the 12 – 18 credit hour requirement.
           Students will not be allowed to go beyond the 18 credit limit if they have not
           met the requirement for advancement to candidacy.  Each graduate program may
           have additional requirements for Advancement to Candidacy that students are
           required to complete.  Additional requirements will be included in the section of
           the catalog for each program.

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