Page 44 - Bowie State University Graduate Catalog 2018-2020.
P. 44
Students must be advanced to candidacy before taking the Comprehensive
Examination, Seminar or Practicum (Internship I and II for Mental Health
I. A student must apply for Advancement to Candidacy by completing the
Request for Advancement to Candidacy form and submitting it to the
Graduate School. The form can be filed once the student has taken 12
credits of required coursework but must be completed before 18 credits
are earned.
II. The Graduate Records Coordinator will review the student’s records to
determine academic progress.
III. If the student has met the requirements for Advancement to Candidacy,
the student will be advanced and the student information system,
PeopleSoft, will be updated to reflect so.
IV. If the student is denied Advancement to Candidacy, the Graduate School
will correspond with the student to direct him/her to the advisor to
develop a plan for meeting the Advancement to Candidacy requirement.
V. A student who does not satisfy the advancement to candidacy
requirement will not be allowed to continue taking courses after the
completion of the first 18 credit hours.
In order to insure adherence to the Advancement to Candidacy policy, a negative
service indicator is placed on the graduate student’s PeopleSoft accounts during
the semester in which the student registers for the 18 credit hour. Once the
student has met the Advancement to Candidacy requirement, the service indicator
is removed and the student may continue his/her program of study.
I. The student applies for Advancement to Candidacy.
II. Once the advancement has been granted, the Graduate School will
remove the hold and send the appropriate letter to the students. A copy
of the letter will be sent to the Graduate Program Coordinator.
III. Those students who are not eligible for advancement will receive a letter
informing them of their status and will be advised to meet with their
advisor to develop a strategy for satisfying the Advancement to
Candidacy requirement.
IV. Students will meet with their advisor and document a plan for meeting
the requirements for advancement utilizing the Academic Progression
Plan Worksheet. A copy will be sent to the Graduate School for
placement in the student’s permanent folder.
V. The hold will be temporarily removed from the student’s account in order
to allow for registration into classes specified in the plan documented on