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(Required, must follow Title Page, paginate as Roman numeral “ii”). The

                       Approval Page, although similar to the title page, displays your committee
                       members’ full endorsement of your thesis. The Approval Page must

                       include the following information:

                          •    The full title of your thesis (just as it appears on your Title Page),
                          •    Your name as it appears in university records,

                          •    The month and year when you successfully defended your thesis,
                          •    Signature lines.

                              •   The signature lines should be in alphabetical order, but with the Chair’s
                                  name first, list one committee member below each necessary signature

                                  line. Follow each committee members’ names by a comma and then

                                  their highest (terminal) degree.
                              •   The chair of the committee is indicated at the end of the first signature

                                  line by the term “Chair.” Where a student has two Chairs, both are
                                  listed as “Co-Chair.”


                       (If present, paginate with lower-case Roman numerals). If you want to bestow

                       gratitude on a special mentor, include a Dedication page.

                       Acknowledgments or Acknowledgements
                       (If present, paginate with lower-case Roman numerals). If you want to recognize

                       someone for providing distinctive assistance or granting unusual permission(s),
                       include an Acknowledgements page.

                       Table of Contents
                       (Required, continue appropriate pagination sequence with lower-case Roman

                       numerals). The Table of Contents lists all chapters and headings (including sub-
                       headings) arranged exactly as those chapters (and sub-headings) appear in the

                       body of the dissertation or thesis. In addition, the numbering of the entries in the

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