P. 169

Table of Contents must be identical with the numbering system used within the


                       You may single-space between chapter subheadings, but you must double-space

                       between chapters or major sections. You may choose to use dot leaders or not. An
                       example of a dot leader is

                               Literature Review……………………………………………. 23

                       No preliminary material preceding the Table of Contents is listed.

                       Any List of Tables, List of Figures, or List of Illustrations, however, should appear

                       in the Table of Contents if tables, figures, or illustrations appear in the text.

                       If you have at least one figure or one table, you are required to create a
                       list. Make sure that all captions and numbering correspond with those in your

                       Body and Table of Contents.

                       Please meet with your committee members to discuss the use of tables and figures.

                       You should also review style manuals reflective of your discipline or scholarly
                       journals and books published in your discipline for guidance in the design and

                       organization of tables and figures.

                       For those who conduct a quantitative study, managing your tables and figures is
                       critically important. Tables and figures are numbered separately, and each,

                       including any tables or figures found in the appendices, must bear a sequential

                       number in its own series. Each table and figure must bear a caption. The numbers
                       and captions for tables are located above the top line of the table, while the

                       numbers and captions for figures are located below the last line of the figure.

                       Tables or figures may be inserted in the text following the first reference to it; or it
                       may be grouped at the end of each chapter; or it may be grouped at the end of the

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