P. 22

1. Composition of the Dissertation Examining Committee.The committee
                               consists of the Dissertation Advisory Committee plus at least one “external
                               examiner.” A doctorate-prepared expert not affiliated with a
                               university may serve as the external committee member.  The curriculum vitae
                               of any proposed member who is not a member of Bowie State University‘s
                               senior faculty community or who is outside the university must accompany
                               the graduate candidate‘s defense announcement. The chair of the Doctoral
                               Program and the dean of Graduate School must approve the committee

                           2. External Examiner. An external examiner is sometimes called an outside
                               examiner because this person is not part of the candidate’s committee. The
                               role of the external examiner is to offer an independent and unbiased
                               assessment of the candidate’s work.  An external examiner must be an
                               assistant, associate, or full professor in the teaching or research area of the
                               student‘s discipline who is very knowledgeable in the area of the student‘s
                               research.  An external examiner must have published (a book, book chapters,
                               in a refereed journal, or in a conference publication).  An external examiner
                               must submit his/her credentials as documented by a curriculum vitae to the
                               Graduate School for review and approval. Every dissertation sponsoring
                               committee should identify an external examiner no later than the beginning of
                               the semester in which the oral defense is likely to occur. He or she should be
                               invited to thoroughly review the student‘s dissertation project prior to the
                               time of oral defense. An external examiner should receive the dissertation for
                               review well in advance of the oral examination defense.

                           3. Dissertation Examining Committee/Final Oral Defense Chair. The Chair must
                               be identified. This person must be a senior faculty member as described above
                               and may not be the chair of the candidate‘s dissertation advisory
                               committee. All Dissertation Examining Committees must consist of at least
                               five faculty members: the three from the dissertation advisory committee plus
                               two additional members. One of these additional members must be from
                               outside the candidate’s department. The Chair of the Dissertation Examining
                               Committee will be a voting member of the committee.

                        While there is no single set of steps that characterize all dissertations, there are
                        elements and procedures that are common to all. These include the following:

                        A.       Selecting the Topic with the Dissertation Advisory
                                 Committee Chair.
                        The candidate and the chair work collaboratively in the development of the
                        dissertation topic. For most candidates, the first step in the dissertation process is
                        selecting a topic, and perhaps the most common reason for difficulties is that many
                        candidates wait until the end of their course work to begin thinking about the issue.

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