P. 31

Institutional Review Board

                                                   BOWIE STATE UNIVERSITY

                                    Institutional Review Board Policies and Procedures

                   I.  PURPOSE
                   The purposes of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) are:
                        A. To review applications requesting permission to conduct research involving human
                           subjects for compliance with University guidelines and federal regulations regarding the
                           protection of human subjects (Title 45 Code of Federal Regulations Part 46).
                        B. To  assist  applicants  to  meet  University  guidelines  and  federal  regulations regarding
                           the protection of human subjects.

                   II. APPLICABILITY
                        C. SCOPE
                           This policy applies to:
                              1. Individuals or groups planning to conduct research with humans affiliated with BSU;
                              2. Campus-based individuals or groups submitting a proposal for external funding; and
                              3. Campus-based individuals or groups conducting research off-campus.

                        D. ELIGIBILITY
                              1. Faculty, staff and candidates affiliated with BSU and
                              2. Individuals  or  groups  not  affiliated  with  BSU  who  wish  to  conduct research
                                  involving BSU constituencies.

                        E. RESPONSIBILITIES
                           The Bowie State University IRB is responsible for the implementation of this policy. The
                           IRB will meet monthly to review applications.

                   Researchers must submit the following:
                        A. A statement of project approval from the department where the research is to be
                        B. Approval of the faculty advisor (if a candidate is conducting the research).
                        C. One  original  nine  (9)  copies  of  the  typed  IRB  Proposal  Submission  Form  (see
                        D. One original and nine (9) copies of the proposed consent form (see example attached)
                        E. One original and one (1) copy of the typed IRB Proposed Submission Form if the project is
                           EXEMPT from IRB review.

                   IV. RESULTS
                   Applicants will receive written notification of approval or suggestions for modification of the
                   proposal. Applications that have not been approved may be resubmitted.

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