P. 35
8. If the procedures are physically invasive or potentially harmful, describe arrangements made for
medical referral.
9. If the procedures could be emotionally upsetting, describe arrangements made for psychological
10. What provisions have been made for the cultural and language problems, it they arise?
11. Has consent been obtained from the authorities where the research is to be conducted?
12. Include a copy of the written informed consent form with the proposal. If it is not possible to
obtain a written consent form, describe how an understandable explanation will be given to
the subjects.
13. Attach a copy of a positive parental consent if the subjects are minors.
14. lf a surveyor questionnaire is used, please include copies and describe the exact nature of the
questions to be asked.
15. lf a candidate is to conduct the research, submit a statement from the faculty advisor
indicating the following:
The faculty member's approval of the project,
The faculty member's willingness to supervise the research, and
The candidate’s competency to conduct the research.
Submit three (3) hard copies of
the Proposal Submission Form,
the questionnaire (instrument) or survey (if used),
consent forms, and
statement of support from the faculty advisor (for a student proposal) to
Dr. Cosmas U. Nwokeafor, Chair IRB
Center for Business & Graduation Studies Suite 1312
301-860-3406 (off)
301-860-3414 (fax)