P. 39

I.      Responsibilities of the Chair of the Dissertation Advisory
                               Committee and the Workings of the Committee

                       The chair is responsible for the following:
                           a. Seeing that the candidate receives regular and continuing guidance in his or
                               her research, including timely response from all committee members to work
                               on the document submitted to them by the candidate;\
                           b. Coordinating the responses of committee members so that the candidate
                               does not receive fundamentally conflicting advice
                           c. Informing candidates who are not making reasonable progress what they
                               must do to avoid being dismissed for failure to make such progress; and
                           d. Ensuring that the dissertation advisory committee meets at least once a year.

                        All dissertation advisory committees are unique; it is important for candidates to
                        clarify exactly what each member of the committee expects. In general, however, the
                        major input into the original draft of a dissertation will come from the dissertation

                        In some instances, members of the dissertation advisory committee will see each
                        chapter of the dissertation as it is being written; in others, the committee members
                        may see a complete draft after it has been given tentative approval by the Chair.
                        Whatever procedure is used, all members of the committee must familiarize
                        themselves with the contents of the dissertation and agree that the dissertation is
                        ready for oral defense.

                        During the advisory committee meetings with the candidate, the following must be
                           a. Review of the candidate’s progress;
                           b. Make suggestions concerning future research, and
                           c. Record the committee’s findings and suggestions.

                        A copy of this record (using the prescribed documents for this purpose: the Advisory
                        Committee Meeting Form) must be placed in the graduate candidate‘s file and given to
                        the graduate candidate.

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