P. 57

D.   Completing the Dissertation Research and Writing the

                 ACTIVITY                                                         Date Accomplished

                 (19) Required yearly meeting of the                              ______________
                      Dissertation Advisory Committee and completion of
                       “Advisory Committee Meeting Form” (Year 1)

                 (20) Required yearly meeting of the Dissertation                 ______________
                      Advisory Committee and completion of
                      “Advisory Committee Meeting Form” ( Year 2)

                 E.   Obtaining Approval of the Dissertation

                 ACTIVITY                                                         Date Accomplished

                 (21) Submit first draft to Dissertation Chair                     ______________

                 (22) Revise draft and re-submit to Dissertation                  ______________
                      Chair as needed

                 (23) Submit draft to other members                               ______________
                      of the dissertation advisory committee

                 (24) Revisions as needed                                         ______________

                 (25) Signing of  “Dissertation Signature Page” by members        ______________
                      of the Dissertation Advisory Committee

                 (26) Completion of ―Request to Schedule                          ______________
                      Final Doctoral/Thesis Examination

                 Note:    There is considerable variation in this process within and between departments;
                          therefore, the above steps may be somewhat different for some candidates. In
                          some cases, for example, the committee may prefer to receive the dissertation
                          chapter-by-chapter. In other cases, the dissertation may be submitted to all
                          members of the committee at one time rather than first going to the
                          Dissertation Chair. In some programs, the Chair reviews all drafts before the
                          Dissertation Examining Committee receives the Dissertation.

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