P. 58

F.   Scheduling the Dissertation Oral Defense

             ACTIVITY                                                             Date Accomplished

             (27) The dissertation chair ascertain from the Dean of the           _______________
                  Graduate School a convenient time to schedule a defense

             (28) Submit “Request to Schedule Dissertation Request:” form         _______________
                  form to Department Chair (must be three weeks prior to
                  oral defense)

             (29) Confirmation of an external examiner by the Dean of              _______________
                  the Graduate School

             (30) Submit a final copy of the Dissertation to the Dean of           _______________
                  the Graduate School, (two weeks prior to an oral defense).

             (31) Submit dissertation to all five (5) members of the Examining     _______________
                  Committee (two weeks prior to an oral defense)

             (32) All necessary forms to be signed during and after the           _______________
                  defense should be ready prior to the oral defense.

             G.   Completing the Process

             ACTIVITY                                                             Date Accomplished

             (33) Prepare for oral defense (review dissertation; prepare          _______________
                  materials for presentation; check with dissertation chair

             (34) Oral defense                                                    _______________

             (35) Hand in “Report of the Final Exam” to the Dean of the           _______________
                  Graduate School

             (36) Complete editing, following  the Graduate School Standards      _______________

             (37) Submit final form of dissertation to Dissertation Advisory       _______________
                  Committee Chair. If acceptable, she/he will sign
                  “Certificate of Acceptability”

             (38) Submit final and corrected copy of dissertation to final          _______________
                  review and approval to the Dean of Graduate School.

             (39) Final Approval by the Dean of the Graduate                      _______________

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