P. 63

                 A thesis is a scholarly manuscript completed by a master’s candidate. It is the defining
                 component of a master’s education and should make a contribution to the body of
                 knowledge it addresses. A thesis should demonstrate that the author understands and is
                 capable of conducting original research.

                 The thesis is required of all students working towards a master’s degree in Organizational
                 Communication and English Studies. Students will observe and follow the policies in this
                 handbook. Upon completion of the thesis, the Graduate School will grant permission for a
                 candidate to defend the thesis through an oral examination. Following successful defense, a
                 candidate will complete any final revisions and submit the thesis for binding and publication
                 by ProQuest/ UMI.

                 The thesis process starts in the department in which a student will work with his/her
                 advisor and the other two members of the thesis committee. It is critically important that
                 candidates understand that the thesis process is recursive. The committee under the
                 guidance of the thesis advisor must make sure that the student‘s thesis meets the proper
                 standard before submitting it to the Graduate School for defense approval,

                 All completed theses must be approved by the Dean of Graduate School before the degree
                 is conferred. The Dean of the Graduate School reserves the right to reject any thesis that
                 does not demonstrate the following:
                                ✦ Original research in the field,
                                ✦ Academic integrity,
                                ✦ Mastery of the research method,
                                ✦ Relationship of the work to the broader field in which it is lodged,
                                ✦ General readability, and
                                ✦ Excellence in content, grammar, and formatting.

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