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                 These steps will generally be completed in the order listed.  However, there may be some
                 individual variations among faculty/departments. Student candidates should check with
                 their advisors as they go through this process to make sure the order is correct, and to
                 determine if there are other steps that may be specific to the faculty member/department
                 that should be added to their list. Use your planner or your phone to help you keep track
                 of the process effectively.

                 A.  Thesis Proposal
                 ACTIVITY:                                                 Date Accomplished

                 (1)  Select Thesis Advisory Committee Chair               ____________________

                 (2)  Hold original meeting with Chair                     ____________________
                      to discuss dissertation topic

                 (3)  Discuss with proposed members of the                 ____________________
                      Thesis Advisory committee about possibility
                      of serving on the committee.

                 (4)  Submit first draft of proposal to                     ____________________
                      Thesis Chair

                 (5)  Consult with Thesis Chair                            ____________________
                      regarding revisions to proposal

                 (6)  Submit revised proposal to other members             ____________________
                      of the Thesis Advisory Committee

                 (7)  Meet with the Thesis Advisory                        ____________________
                      Committee to discuss the proposal

                 (8)  Additional revisions (as necessary) based on         ____________________
                      discussions with Thesis Advisory Committee

                 (9)  Proposal Defense Form signed by all members of the   ____________________
                      Thesis  Advisory Committee

                 Candidates will note Section B below which addresses “Obtaining Approval from the
                 University‘s Institutional Review Board (IRB).”  Remember that if candidates conduct any
                 pilot studies as part of their proposal development, these pilot studies must be approved
                 by the University IRB prior to collecting any pilot data.  Although University IRB approval is
                 required after a proposal has been approved/signed by the Thesis  Advisory Committee
                 and such IRB approval must be received before the thesis research can begin); approval for
                 pilot studies must also be obtained before these pilot studies can be conducted.  This
                 provides a safeguard for all concerned.

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