P. 89

Review of Literature
                            This is a brief survey of the most relevant scholarly sources on your chosen topic
                       and demonstrates  how your study draws upon but diverges from other inquiries.

                       Breakdown of Chapters
                            This section outlines what you plan to do in each of your body chapters.  The
                       expectation is that each of the body chapters contributes to the depth of the argument
                       you are posing in your thesis. Think of writing your thesis as an architectural exercise.
                       The prospectus (later your Introduction) is the foundation.  The first body chapter may
                       be straightforward, but your third body chapter may be more complex and nuanced. You
                       are not aiming for length in each chapter.  You are aiming for insight, precision, and
                       excellence. You may achieve that in a chapter that is 15 pages long, or you may achieve it
                       in a chapter that is 30 pages long.  Depending on the nature of your study, the concluding
                       chapter can be brief as you summarize your findings and recommend other applications
                       of your ideas.

                                                                            A Working Bibliography
                                                                            (Works Cited and Works
                                                                            Consulted Pages)
                                                                            This is a preliminary listing of all
                                                                            the sources (monographs, journal
                                                                            articles, and other media) that
                                                                            you plan to draw upon in the
                                                                            conduct of your study. The list
                                                                            will change as your project takes
                                                                            shape, but it is important that
                                                                            you establish a body of research
                                                                            from which to build your
                       prospectus.  Works Cited pages list all the texts you cite in the text of your prospectus
                       or thesis.  Works Consulted pages list all the texts you have read during the course of
                       your inquiry.

                       Proposal (Prospectus) Format
                       The proposal should follow the format for the thesis.  It should have a margin of an inch
                       and a half (1.5”) on the left hand side (for binding), an inch elsewhere (top, bottom, and

                       Although the proposal may seem burdensome, it prepares you well for the work ahead.
                       Like preparing for any project, understanding the direction of your work helps you move
                       forward more efficiently.  Putting time into the proposal helps you when you dive into
                       the thesis itself.  In all likelihood, the proposal will become the first chapter
                       (Introduction) to your thesis.

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