P. 94
Abstracts for doctoral Dissertations must not exceed 350 words (2450 characters). If
the abstract is longer, it will be cut arbitrarily at the word limit, and so published in
Dissertation Abstracts International (DAI) (Ann Arbor, Michigan: ProQuest, 1969-).
Note: DAI is issued in two sets: one for humanities and social sciences, and one for
sciences. You may find these volumes in the McKeldin Library reference section, call
number Z5055.UD5A53. Digital Dissertations is ProQuest‘s online resource and archive
of Theses and Dissertations. It is available at You may also find the
ProQuest database in the Thurgood Marshall Library Research Port.
There is abstract format sample in Appendix A acceptable for the dissertation.
APA Title Page
(Required; not numbered). The title page MUST include the following information:
1. The full title of your dissertation,
2. Your name as it appears on university records,
3. The year of the degree (not month or day),
4. A standard degree statement typed in inverted pyramid form (given below), and
5. An alphabetical list of all members of your committee with the Chair first. Use
“Professor” or “Dr.” to designate the member’s professional status as
Word your title very carefully. Electronic databases, citation indices, and bibliographies
search using key words, so choose terms well to reflect accurately the content of your
dissertation. Be sure that the title is exactly the same on the abstract, title page, and
ProQuest agreement form.
The title page must not include italics, unless foreign work, or botanical terms form part
of the title itself.
Do not use abbreviations. Formulas, symbols, superscripts, Greek letters, or chemical
names must be expressed as words wherever this is possible and consistent with
disciplinary standards.
APA Standard Degree Statement
Use the following wording, inserting the correct degree title and the year (only the
year) of your graduation, and typing in inverted pyramid style: