P. 99

Show how items have hierarchical             √             √

                        Show a general list with no particular order   √
                        or difference

                                       Reviewing APA Dissertation Formatting

                       The guidelines below are used to evaluate and review the dissertation for compliance

                       LEVEL    FORMAT                            FUNCTION

                             1   Centered, Boldface, Uppercase     Sections receive level one
                                    and Lowercase Headings         headings.

                             2 Left-aligned, Boldface,             Subsections receive level two.
                                Uppercase and Lowercase

                             3       Indented, boldface,           Subparts of subsections
                                lowercase heading with a
                                period. Begin body text after      receive level three headings.
                                the period.

                             4        Indented, boldface, italicized,  Subparts of subparts received level four
                                lowercase heading with a period.   headings.
                                Begin body text after the period.

                             5         Indented, italicized, lowercase   Used to draw further distinctions in a
                                heading with a period. Begin body text   subpart discussion.  Not often used. Should
                                after the period.                 only be used if there are at least two
                                                                  distinctions that need clarification.

                       and for processing before approval for binding and publishing. The candidate will receive
                       an evaluation based on these criteria after submitting to the Office of Graduate Studies
                       and Research for Review Please adhere to the following guidelines
                        Section               Comment
                        Front Page(s)

                        Abstract              Order: Title, Author and Chair format. Single double space for title. Do not add
                                              additional space between lines of title.

                        Title Page            Order: Use double spacing for title; place after the Abstract.
                        Acknowledgments       Double space text.

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