P. 100
Section Comment
Preface/Forward Same format as acknowledgments (if included in manuscript)
Table of Contents Reflect exactly the same words and order as your text. Ensure the local and
conceptual flow are appropriate.
Chapter, References,
and Appendix
Chapter 1 Left justify all section headings. No double, double spaces. Only single double
spaces are accepted even between text and heading.
Chapter 2 Ensure page numbers are inside the 1” margin.
Chapter 3 Same as Chapter One. Make sure tables and figures are appropriately
constructed and labeled.
Chapter 4 Page numbers are as in previous chapters. Tables: please format to avoid
redundant columns.
Chapter 5 Make sure page numbers and margins are properly formatted.
References Please be meticulous to include all references. Match all references. Check
spelling, dates, and format. Please format reference section to e single space
within reference and double space between references. Indentation is correct.
Appendix Please number your appendices and reflect the same in your table of contents
Order of Sections Please order your sections as shown in the left column of this table
Page Margins Top, Bottom, and Right = 1” margins. Left = 1.5” margin. All tables, figures and
text (including page numbers) must be within these margins. Please modify
ALL your pages appropriately.
Other Writing Concerns
General Writing Style
Make all spacing in the body text double.
No extra spaces between the headings and text.
Indentations, Paragraph Spacing and Headings
Always left justify your headings and sub headings except the chapter
Keep all your page numbers inside the required margins for the page.
Make sure statements are as clear, precise, and succinct as possible.
Avoid sweeping statements and expletives;
Table of Contents
Please check table of contents and double space.
Also, check through the chapters to harmonize all in the same heading
and indentation format.