Page 10 - Florida Sentinel 8-13-19
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Pictures From The Past
   General Hospital: Laura offers her reassurance. Kevin speaks to Alexis about Neil. Julian and Kim meet with Lucy.
Laura makes a phone call. Ava is caught off-guard. Jax catches Nina in a vulnerable moment.
Sam and Jason enjoy a reprieve at home. Elizabeth shares what she knows with Franco. Julian and Lucas have an emotional conver- sation.
The Bold & The Beautiful: Wyatt tells Sally about Flo’s deceit and apologizes to her. Stunned and upset, Steffy can’t believe Phoebe is being taken away from her.
Once again on opposite sides, Brooke is thrilled for Hope, while Ridge feels terrible for Steffy. Hope tells Liam she never stopped lov- ing him.
A delusional Thomas considers how he can win Hope back. Thomas goes into hiding with his friend, Vinny. The Logans embrace their newest member, Beth.
The Young & The Restless: Adam wants Connor to live with him, Phyllis accuses Abby of being jealous, Victor tells Nick he’ll han- dle Adam, and Devon is offered a deal. Chelsea’s motives are ques- tioned by Nick. Victor makes a move to control Adam.
Victoria defends Nick. Victoria gets caught lying. Unexpected news comes Chelsea’s way and she exposes a con. Lola avoids an in- vitation.
Days Of Our Lives: Anna slaps Tony hard across the face, some- one falls down the stairs and a shot rings out. John makes plans to surprise Marlena — not knowing she has the exact same idea!
“Nicole” loses her cool with Marlena. Jack confronts Jennifer about an article she wrote about him.
  SOUTHERN TONES GOSPEL SINGERS CELEBRATE 51st ANNIVERSARY, 2013 – The Southern Tones Gospel Singers, led by Hardy Williams, left, celebrated their 51st Anniversary as a group.
   SOUTHERN TONES GOSPEL SINGERS CELE- BRATE 51st ANNIVERSARY, 2013 – Ms. Loretta Taylor was the Mistress of Ceremonies for the pro- gram.
SOUTHERN TONES GOSPEL SINGERS CELE- BRATE 51st ANNIVERSARY, 2013 – One of the orig- inal Grammy Award-Winning Five Blind Boys, William James was at the program. He was escorted by Evangelist Dorothy Pettis.
   SOUTHERN TONES GOSPEL SINGERS CELEBRATE 51st ANNIVERSARY, 2013 – The Faithfulaires Gospel Singers were also on the program.
  5 SOUTHERN TONES GOSPEL SINGERS CELEBRATE 51st ANNIVERSARY, 2013 – The O’Halo Gospel Singers appeared on the anniversary program. They are: Martha Tolbert, Asst. Manager; Allie Preston, Barbara Williams, Manager; and Betty Sharpe.
  Leo (July 23-Aug. 22): A friend or partner might surprise you today. Nevertheless, you will take whatever happens in your stride because the Sun is lined up with Venus in your sign and this makes you charming and easy-going. You're a peach!
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Your work routine will be inter- rupted today by something - computer crashes, power outages, fire drills, staff shortages - something. It's likely minor. It won't bother you much because privately, you're feeling quite pleased with your- self. (Some of you are involved in a secret love affair.)
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Parents should be aware that this is an accident-prone day for your kids, so be vigilant. Today social events might be cancelled. Parties , and events with the arts, the en- tertainment world and the hospitality industry are subject to change. On perhaps you will get an unexpected invite somewhere?
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Your home routine will be inter- rupted today. Small appliances might break down or minor breakages could occur. Someone unexpected might knock on the door. It could be anything. Be patient with family members to avoid arguments. Re- lations with bosses and parents are smooth.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Travel for pleasure will totally appeal to you today. You want to get outta Dodge, and by all means do so! Nevertheless, do be aware that this is a mildly accident-prone day, which means you should pay attention to everything you say and do. Be smart.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Keep an eye on your money today because you might find money or you might lose money. Like- wise, guard your possessions against loss, theft or damage. Mean- while, you can benefit with financial deals with others today. In fact, you might get a gift! (You certainly have the advantage.)
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): You feel restless today. You're a bit excited and ready for some kind of adventure. Fortunately, rela- tions with friends and partners are warm, which means someone might be ready to join you if you want to run away and join the circus.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20): Things going well at work today because everyone is cooperative and easy going. However, something behind the scenes might bother you or make you feel restless for some reason. It's as if you're waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Aries (March 21-April 19): A friend might surprise you today. You might meet someone new who is interesting and different. This will suit your needs perfectly because today you want to have fun and enjoy yourself! Make plans to meet friends or attend a movie, play, concert, sports event or fun get-together. "Anyone for tennis?"
Taurus (April 20-May 20): Get ready for a few surprises today, especially when talking to parents, bosses, VIPs and the police. Someone in a position of authority will say or do something catches you off guard. Meanwhile, this is a lovely day to entertain at home or explore real-estate opportunities. Hmmm.
Gemini (May 21-June 20): Travel plans will change today. They might be cancelled, rescheduled or delayed. Possibly, you might have to travel suddenly when you didn't think you would. Fortunately, you won't mind too much because your relations with daily contacts today are friendly and smooth.
Cancer (June 21-July 22): Double check banking details and anything related to shared property, inheritances and insurance is- sues. Something surprising might impact these areas. Meanwhile, this is a strong money day for you! You might boost your earnings. You might also buy something that pleases you.

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