Page 8 - Florida Sentinel 8-13-19
P. 8

 Jazzy Seniors Reclaim Title During Shuffleboard
 On hand for the monthly Shuffleboard Competition were sitting from left to right: Steve Scott, Connie Bowen, Linda Cotney, Irma Jackson, Mary Wright, Lavern Hooper, and Ruby Cutler. Shown standing from left to right are: Sunday Bivens, Gwen Giles, Lorene Anderson, Carolyn Williams and Ruby Epps.
Early Morning
 Fire Leaves 19 People Homeless
 BY IRIS B. HOLTON Sentinel City Editor
The month of July came to an end for the local Shuffle- board Teams with new win- ners. For the seventh consecutive time this year, the members of the team par- ticipated in their monthly competition.
The competition took place on Friday, July 26th, and was held at the Ragan Park Community Center, 1200 E. Lake Avenue.
During the last competi- tion, the Jazzy Seniors lost their title. However, they en- tered the competition deter- mined to win back their title. And, they were successful.
The first place honors this month went to Connie
Bowen and Linda Cotney. The second place titles went to Irma Jackson and Mary Wright.
In addition to the Shuffle- board Competition, the group also enjoyed watching the Dominoes Competition. The winners for that activity were: Lavern Hooper and Ruby Cutler.
The Director and Trainer of the Shuffleboard Team is Steve Scott. Each month, Scott secures gift cards for the winners of the competi- tion.
Other participants in the Shuffleboard Competition this month included: Sun- day Bivens, Gwen Giles, Lorene Anderson, Car- olyn Williams and Ruby Epps.
The teams consist of sen- ior citizens from throughout Hillsborough County who enjoy remaining active.
Scott invites any seniors who wish to learn the game to contact him.
Scott teaches Shuffle- board on Mondays and Fri- days from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m., at Ragan Park Community Center, 1200 E. Lake Avenue.
He also teaches the game at Cyrus Greene Community Center on Thursday, from 1 p.m. until 2:30 p.m., and he holds training classes at Williams Park and Fair Oaks Community Centers.
For more information about training dates and times contact Ragan Park Community Center at (813) 242-5316.
    The early morning fire at Pebblewood Apartments left 19 people homeless. (Photo courtesy of the Tampa Fire Department).
 A fire at a Tampa apart- ment complex early Monday has left 19 residents homeless. The fire took place at the Peb- blewood Apartments, 11316 N. 52nd Street.
The Tampa Fire Depart- ment received the call for help around 5:15 a.m. When they arrived at the scene, they found smoke and flames com- ing from one of the upstairs apartments of the two-story building.
Firemen evacuated all of the surrounding units after making sure no one was trapped inside. Firemen also worked to keep the fire from spreading through the com- mon attic in the building.
According to the fire in-
vestigator’s report, the fire originated inside unit 15. The resident reportedly observed fire on the couch as he exited the apartment to safety. It spread quickly and caused major fire, heat, and smoke damage.
Investigators determined the cause of the fire was an electrical or mechanical mal- function of a Power Wheel motorized car.
Damage to the four apart- ments is estimated at $40,000.
The American Red Cross responded to provide assis- tance to the 19 people, includ- ing 7 children, who were displaced by the fire.

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