Page 18 - Florida Sentinel 8-13-19
P. 18

$8,000 Reward Offered For Leads In Murder Case
Golf Cart Driver Jailed For Hitting Walmart Customers
     The last time family members saw Carlos Saint Louis was on February 2, 2019. His body was discov- ered in a pond in Zephyrhills on February 19, 2019.
The Pasco County Sher- iff’s Office is investigating the death as a murder and asking for leads in the case. The last information police were able to find was that Saint Louis was observed getting into a black Chevrolet Suburban, driven by a Black man wear- ing scrubs, on February 4th.
Saint Louis, 38, report- edly left his 2015 Chevrolet Sonic LT gray, 4-door vehicle in the parking lot of that Wawa, 13501 Colonial Drive, W., in Winter Haven. The ve-
hicle was recovered by law enforcement.
Crime Stoppers of Tampa Bay initially offered $3,000 for information leading to the arrest of the person responsi- ble for Saint Louis’ death. Crime Stoppers has received an additional $5,000 from the Florida Sheriff’s Associa- tion for information leading to the identification and ar- rest of the suspects in the case.
Anyone with information is urged to contact Crime Stoppers of Tampa Bay at 1- 800-873-TIPS or
Crime Stoppers must be contacted first in order to re- ceive the reward.
A 56-year-old man is fac- ing several charges in connec- tion with an incident at the Walmart in Gibsonton. He is accused of deliberately hitting several customers inside the store.
According to the Hillsbor- ough County Sheriff’s Office, deputies arrived at the Wal- mart, 9205 Gibsonton Drive, around 12:30 p.m., last Thursday in reference to a man blocking the liquor store entrance. The man reportedly refused to move and de- manded to speak with the manager.
Deputies began speaking to the man on the golf cart, identified as Michael Hudson.
While talking with deputies, Hudson is said to have suddenly accelerated the golf cart through the heavily congested pedes- trian area in front of the store toward the main entrance.
Several people ran to avoid being struck, police said.
Deputies repeatedly or- dered Hudson to stop, but he continued at a high rate of speed and crashed the golf cart through the glass front doors of the main store en- trance.
Hudson reportedly con- tinued accelerating the golf cart into the checkout area of the store. Several cus- tomers were hit and many
others jumped out of the way to avoid being run over.
Hudson ultimately crashed into a cash register and nearby deputies took him into custody and transported to Tampa General Hospital for treatment.
A few customers received treatment at the scene by Hillsborough County Fire Rescue.
Hudson was charged with trespass after warning, resisting arrest without vio- lence, criminal mischief (felony), and several counts of aggravated battery and aggra- vated assault with a motor ve- hicle.
Last week, detectives ar- rested Wayne Lee Padgett after he called the same Wal- mart and threatened to “shoot up” the store. He was charged with making a false report of using a firearm in a violent manner.
Four Charged With Bringing Cell Phones Into Jail
      Detectives Search For Hit And Run Suspect
Four individuals were ar- rested and charged with bringing cell phones into a de- tention facility last week. The phones were discovered on August 1st during a random search. The phones were dis- covered around 2:45 p.m., a 14400 49th Street, North, in Clearwater.
The incident occurred in the G-Wing of maximum se- curity at the jail.
According to detectives, a random search was being conducted in the G-Wing of maximum security at the Pinellas County Jail, when a cellular phone was found in the corridor.
While conducting the in- vestigation, detectives deter- mined 39-year-old inmate Cedric Burton was in possession of the cellular phone prior to the search.
Detectives also found im- ages and text conversations on the cellular phone, be- tween 24-year-old inmate Devin Russell and his girl- friend, 24-year-old Kaylyn Fudge.
Detectives say both in-
 The Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office is asking the public for information in a fatal hit and run acci- dent.
The accident took place around 11 p.m., last Friday night.
According to police, a 63- year-old man was walking southbound on the east side of N. Forbes Road, in Plant City, just south of U. S. High- way 92, when he was struck and killed by a passing vehi- cle traveling northbound.
Witnesses described see- ing a dark-colored pickup
truck or SUV leaving the scene shortly after the inci- dent. It is unclear at this time if the driver of the truck was involved in the crash. Detec- tives are trying to locate and talk to the driver in hopes of gaining information related to the case.
Anyone with information related to this investigation is asked to call the Hillsbor- ough County Sheriff’s Office at (813) 247-8200. In order to be eligible for a cash re- ward, call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-873-TIPS (8477), or
mates identified 37-year-old Terrika Hall, as supplying the phone.
Hall is a Food Service Provider for Trinity Services Group and works in the kitchen at the Pinellas County Jail. Trinity Services Group provides the food serv- ice program within the Pinel- las County Jail.
Both Burton and Rus- sell were assigned to the kitchen and worked with Hall.
Through their investiga- tion, detectives discovered Fudge purchased the cellular phone for Russell on June 27th, and provided it to Hall.
Fudge also provided Hall an extra phone battery and $200.00 as payment for
bringing the phone to Rus- sell. Hall was also paid $100.00 weekly to bring extra phone batteries for Russell, police said.
Burton and Russell ad- mitted to possessing the cel- lular phone while in the Pinellas County Jail and had the charge of introduction of contraband into a detention facility added to their current charges.
On August 8th, Hall and Fudge were interviewed by detectives and admitted to the allegations. They were arrested and charged with one count of introduction of contraband into a detention facility and transported to the Pinellas County Jail, police said.
 The harder you work for something 9, 12, 26, 42, 55, the greater you’ll feel when you achieve it, 2, 14, 32, 53, 66.

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