Page 19 - Florida Sentinel 8-13-19
P. 19
Michigan Cop Suspended
Mike Brown's Father Pleads For Prosecutor To Reopen Investigation Of Son's Death
For Hanging Framed KKK
Application On Wall
On the 5th anniversary of Michael Brown, Jr.'s death, his father, Michael Brown, Sr., is sharing his thoughts and remember the fatal day in Fer- guson, Missouri.
In a sit-down interview with CBS This Morning correspon- dent Jeff Pegues, Brown re- called his memory of that tragic day and the moment he first learned of his son's passing. "The phone call his grandmother gave me. She called me and said that the police just shot Mikey. He's laying in the middle of the street," he recollected. "I turned to my wife and said the police just killed my son and from
A Muskegon, Michigan cop has been suspended after a house hunter discovered a framed Ku Klux Klan applica- tion and Confederate flags in his home.
Robert Mathis, who is Black, posted a picture of the framed application in Officer Charles Anderson’s bed- room on Facebook after tour- ing his home, which was for sale. The post has been shared hundreds of times.
“I was just so disgusted,” Mathis told “I told my son let’s go, we’re get- ting out of here. This is a Klan house, really, we have to go right now. It was basically telling me, whites only to pur- chase his house.”
Mathis revealed he was aware the home belonged to a police officer because there were pictures of Anderson posing in his uniform.
“I said, ‘I want to get out [of] here right now,’” Mathis explained. “To know that I was
walking around on property as- sociated with some type of racism, some type of hate, when I got outside I felt like I needed to be dipped in sani- tizer.”
Anderson’s wife, Rachael Anderson, defended her hus- band, telling WOOD-TV her husband is not racist: “He can’t say anything right now. I wish we could because it would probably set a lot of things straight.”
there it was all just moving real slow."
After admitting the "so-so" change of policing in Ferguson, Brown admitted his desire for
his son's death case to be re- opened by St. Louis County's first black prosecutor. “I would like for Wesley Bell to reopen the case,” he said frankly.
Neo-Nazi Owner Of Daily Stormer Ordered To Pay $700K To Woman Bombarded With Threats In Harassment Campaign
Debra Johnson, Killed In
Andrew Anglin, the white supremacist founder of neo- Nazi website The Daily Stormer, has been ordered by a federal judge to pay $700,000 to Taylor Dump- son, a woman he encouraged his followers to harass in 2017.
U. S. District Judge Rose- mary Collyer found that An- glin’s use of his website to taunt Dumpson and encour- age his followers to do the same was “racially motivated” and “intentionally resulted in a campaign of racial and gender harassment.” After Dumpson became the first black woman to be elected student govern-
cident in the Stormer, along with links to Dumpson's per- sonal Facebook page, and en- couraged his followers to “let her know you fully support her fight against bananas.” Dumpson was then bom- barded with sexist, racist, and threatening messages. One of Anglin's followers, Brian Andrew Ade, was also named in the ruling and or- dered to make payments to Dumpson. The ruling comes a day after a Montana judge ruled that Anglin would have to pay $14 million to another woman he encouraged his fol- lowers to harass.
Connection With Curtis
ment president of American University, bananas with racist messages were hung from nooses on campus.
Watson Escape, Was First
TDOC Employee Killed
Anglin wrote about the in-
Sharpton: Banning Semi-Automatic Weapons
Debra Johnson was the 21st Tennessee Department of Correction employee to be killed in the line of duty since 1894, the agency reported.
Johnson, 64, a corrections administrator, was found dead in her residence on Wednesday morning at the West Tennessee State Penitentiary.
Curtis Ray Watson, 44, was captured Sunday.
He was charged Thursday with first degree murder and aggravated sexual battery. He was previously named as a per- son of interest in the homicide. "I want to extend my condo- lences to the family of Ms. Johnson, who was the victim of this homicide," TDOC Com- missioner Tony Parker said at a news conference Wednes- day. "Rest assured that we will find this offender and bring justice to the family of Debra Johnson.
It has been 15 years since the last time a TDOC employee was killed in the line of duty.
Is The ‘Most Pro-Police Thing You Can Do’
Debra Johnson, 64, a Ten- nessee Department of Correc- tion administrative employee, was killed Wednesday at the West Tennessee State Peniten- tiary. An escaped inmate, Cur- tis Ray Watson, has been named a person of interest in the homicide
In 2004, TDOC installed a memorial to fallen employees at the Tennessee Correction Academy in Tullahoma, upon which the names of each per- son is engraved.
TDOC confirmed John- son's name will be added to the memorial at a later date.
MSNBC ‘s PoliticsNation host Al Sharpton on Satur- day claimed banning semi-au- tomatic weapons would be the "most pro-police" proposal Congress could come up with.
"This president has always attacked those of us that ques- tioned some police when there are things that we consider po- lice going over the line," Sharpton said. "Banning au- tomatic weapons, banning semi-automatic weapons, ban- ning these kinds of military- style weapons is the most pro-police thing you can do be- cause they are the first respon- ders."
Most firearms being sold in the United States are semi-au- tomatic, which means one pull
of the trigger discharges a round of ammunition. Fully automatic guns, which were virtually banned by the Hughes Amendment in 1986, cause more havoc because one pull of the trigger continually discharges ammunition until the trigger is released or the ammo runs out.
Sharpton went on to sug- gest that the best way to pro- tect police officers is making sure they aren't running into a dangerous situation where they could be outgunned.
"Who are the ones who re- ally hate the police, Mr. O'Rourke, if you're going to keep putting them in danger's way playing politics with the NRA," Sharpton said.
O'Rourke said Sharpton is "absolutely right" with his assertion. He then went on to say individual officers, police chiefs, and sheriff deputies don't want "weapons designed for war for killing people on a battlefield in those communi- ties that they are serving and protecting."