Page 11 - Florida Sentinel 12-16-16 Online Edition
P. 11
‘The Family Blessing’ Comes To The Mahaffey Theatre Saturday
St. Petersburg, Florida – Sponsored by Bay News 9 and ARTZ 4 Life Academy, “THE FAMILY BLESSING,” is an Annual Holiday Extravaganza, being featured at the Mahaffey Theater Saturday, December 17th. This production show- cases the talents of local com- munity youth along with professional choreographers and dancers.
Formerly known as “The Chocolate Nutcracker,” “The Family Blessing” tells the story of how a young boy’s dream sequence and his grandmothers vivid memo- ries, help him to appreciate the true Blessings of Family.
There will be two perform- ances: Saturday December 17th at 2:30 and 7:30 p. m. at The Mahaffey Theater, 400 First Street St. South, St. Pe- tersburg, Florida 33701.
Continuing a theatrical legacy that has been a Bay area family tradition every De- cember for the past 18 sea- sons, the producers have retained many of the dance el- ements that made previous productions so spectacular.
THE FAMILY BLESSING weaves ballet, hip hop, jazz, tap, African, Salsa, Mexican Folklorico, Brazilian and Bol- lywood dance into an exotic tapestry of light, color, music and movement as we follow
JELONI PARKS ...Principal Character, Michael
young Michael’s journey from Harlem streets to the is- land of Cuba, the mountains of Mexico, South American rainforests, Brazilian Carnival, West African villages, and India’s Bollywood.
“The Family Blessing” is presented by ARTZ 4 Life Academy as part of their mis- sion to enhance education, promote diversity and develop life skills through cultural and performing arts. Many former youth cast members have gone on to pursue profes- sional careers in film, on Broadway, and in perform- ance troupes throughout the world.
The principal character, Michael, is played by a nine- year-old boy named Jeloni
...Princess Zola
Parks, a student at Fair- mount Park Elementary School in St. Petersburg and a member of Dundu Dole Urban African Ballet. Jeloni’s goals are to become a college gradu- ate and help change the world for others through the ARTS.
Sir Brock Warren, a St. Petersburg native, grew up in Dundu Dole Urban African Ballet, The Chocolate Nut- cracker and many community influences, is a choreographer and Artistic Coordinator for this production and intern- ship project. Sir Brock is also an alumnus of the PCCA Pro- gram, Boston Conservatory of Music, Dance and Theater and Full Sail University and cur- rently a MBA degree candi- date with St. Leo University.
Samiyah Parramore grew up in Artz 4 Life Academy programs and activities. Now a Junior on full scholarship, Samiyah attends University of Connecticut The Hartt School. Samiyah has per- formed in "The Chocolate Nutcracker," "Nutcracker Twist" and "The Family Blessing," for 17 of the 19 years of community proj- ects.
This year’s performance includes a Key to the City presentation by Mayor Kriseman, for St. Petersburg native Calvin Royal for his fantastic work as a member of American Ballet Theater. Mr. Royal’s career in the arts began with his involvement in the “Chocolate Nutcracker.
Other performers include: Dundu Dole Urban African
Ballet, Vincent Bingham “Bring On Da Noise, Bring On Da Funk,” Mahetzy Folklorico, Adia Hollist as Princess Zola and much more. This will be an incredible perform- ance not to be missed!
For more information or tickets call Ms. Barbara (813) 451-4410.
Jai Hinson is Executive Director.