Page 10 - Florida Sentinel 12-16-16 Online Edition
P. 10
Bay Area Brotherhood:
Attorney Carolyn House Stewart Will Speak At MLK Banquet
The Bay Area Brotherhood will host its 44th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Ban- quet at the Surf’s Edge Club, MacDill AFB, Florida, Satur- day, January 14, 2016. The Im- mediate Past (28th) International President of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. (AKA) Carolyn House Ste-wart, Esq. will be the keynote speaker.
The banquet will commemo- rate the birthday of the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and Civil Rights Leader, Rev. Dr. Mar- tin Luther King, Jr. It begins at 5 p. m. and features cocktail hour, soul food dinner, keynote speaker, Atty. Stewart, and awards presentation. Ms. Karen Smith, working with choreographer Tajah Sneed and the dancers of Dance with Muffin will provide the enter- tainment for the evening.
Attorney Stewart’s nearly 45-year record of commitment to Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. began when she was initi- ated at the University of South Florida in 1972. She has served as Chapter President, Cluster Coordinator in the South At- lantic Region, Chairman of the International Program Com- mittee, International Secretary and International 1st Vice Pres- ident.
Her 38-year legal career
ATTY. CAROLYN HOUSE STEWART ...Banquet Speaker for Bay Area Brotherhood
began after graduating with a Juris Doctor from the Univer- sity of South Carolina Law Cen- ter. She was admitted to the Florida Bar in 1978. She prac- ticed before the U. S. District Courts for the Middle and Southern Districts of Florida and the U. S. Court of Appeals for the 11th and 5th Circuits. At- torney Stewart is also li- censed to practice before the United States Supreme Court. She is the CEO of Stewart Con- sulting Group, Inc. and a mem- ber of the Board of Directors of Heifer International.
Her prestigious awards in- clude: the 2006 Florida Com- mission on the Status of Women Achievement Award; The National Bar Association Presidential Award; The George Edgecomb Bar Association Francisco Rodriguez Award;
The National Bar Association 2012 Gertrude E. Rush Award (one of its highest honors); The National Association of Black Law Students 2013 Sadie T. M. Alexander Award; The Trumpet Awards High Heels Award; The Black Women Expo 2014 Phe- nomenal Woman’s Award; and the UNCF National Alumni Legacy Award. Attorney Stew- art’s outstanding service to AKA resulted in numerous awards and commendations, including: The Carey B. Preston International Leadership Award; Margaret Davis Bowen Award; and Soror of the Year.
She is married to Attorney Delano Stewart and their daughter, Delsha is a law stu- dent.
The Bay Area Brotherhood is a nonprofit civic organization, founded in 1973 at MacDill AFB, FL. Its motto is “Helping Disadvantaged Children.” It is composed of retired military personnel living in the Tampa Bay area. Donations received from the banquet help to fund several annual club projects, i. e., Youth Athletics, Project 100, Operation Santa Claus, Easter Egg Hunt, and Spring Picnic.
Tickets and info on the ban- quet can be obtained from Proj- ect Officers Odie Jones, 813-503-3644 and Calvin Doss, 813-802-8692.