Page 21 - Florida Sentinel 3-11-22
P. 21
Answers on page 13-B
the police - and they're ready to rain on your parade. Handle this skilfully.
Gemini (May 21-June 20): You're encouraged to go after what you want, especially by authority fig-
ures. (They've got your back.) Nevertheless, rules, regulations and perhaps the law might put the kibosh on something. Make sure you get your ducks lined up in a row. It is what it is.
Cancer (June 21-July 22): So many things seem to be possible this morning! Travel opportunities as well as news related to higher education, publishing, the media, medicine and the law are promising. Unfor- tunately, a financial glitch or a problem with the bank or the lack of support from someone might hold you back.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22): It Looks like everything is going your way and you've got the world in the palm of your hand. Nevertheless, a partner or close friend might disagree. Perhaps you have to convince this person that your ideas will work? ("But Alice, this is big!" "Ralph, the biggest thing you ever got into was your pants.").
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): You're focused on partners and close friends right now. Perhaps this is why travel plans or ideas about expanding your world are exciting? Nevertheless, obligations at work or something to do with your health or a pet might sink these plans. There are some things you just cannot ignore.
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): You're gung-ho to work and get things done. (This is a great attitude.). How- ever, as the day wears on, increased responsibilities with children or difficulties with sports, social plans and the entertainment world might arise. Oh well.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): This time is promising because social outings, relations with kids, romance or some fun time off make you feel pumped! However, do be aware that a parent or an older relative might create restrictions for you today. Someone has to pay the piper.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): This is a feel-good day at home. Enjoy a nice breakfast because it's the beginning of the week and you feel positive! Admittedly, later in the day, you will encounter some resist- ance or negative thinking. But hey, you can sell anyone the Brooklyn Bridge. You've got this.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): You feel enthusiastic about how your week is beginning. That's great because how things begin are often how they unfold. Nevertheless, some financial problems with money or your possessions will arise. (You can't ignore this.). Ideas?
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Money issues are positive. In fact, you feel rich! Certainly, you have moneymaking ideas and big plans to make more money or spend it - it's your call. Be aware that domestic obligations might interrupt your day. Stay tuned in.
Soap Opera Spoilers It’s Puzzle Time
General Hospital: Trina won’t be able to unsee what she sees, while Cameron and Joss won’t be able to escape the spotlight... no mat- ter how badly they’d like to! Sometimes, a person has to make tough decisions... which is what Liz finds herself having to do! Their divorce is moving full-steam ahead, but that’s not going to stop Sonny from try- ing to reconnect with his wife. Curtis and Portia are looking for a place they can begin their joint lives, which means Lucy is on hand to help... for a price, of course!
Cameron and Joss look for culprits. Kevin is rattled by what’s going on with his serial-killer brother, Ryan. Britt has a family reunion... and it’s actually a pleasant experience for once! What’s Victor up to? That’s what everyone wants to know, including Laura, who tries digging up a few answers. Ava and Nikolas can’t help but wonder if perhaps they’re being used. Brando and Sasha lose their way. Dante and Sam realize that despite their best efforts, it’s a case of too little, too late.
The Bold & Beautiful: If Ridge and Thomas share a warm fa- ther/son moment, it probably doesn’t involve Junior disclosing the gaffe that Sheila made during their fight. Deacon provides comfort to an anguished Brooke. Zende puts Paris on the spot in front of Carter, things get awkward with a capital A. Stunned by Sheila’s implication, Thomas demands the whole truth. Grace meddles in Paris’ love life by encouraging Zende to act quickly. Sheila is reveling in that hole she dug herself into as she takes great delight in revealing her dastardly deed against Brooke to Thomas. Carter attempts to convince Paris that she belongs with Zende.
Brooke makes a shocking decision about the fate of her marriage to Ridge. It’s pretty clear what Brooke’s stunning declaration must have been, as she and Ridge and share a heart-wrenching moment. Taylor, it sounds like he’s all yours! Grace flips out when she finds Paris at Carter’s loft.
The Young & Restless: Ashland calls Victor’s bluff. Working through the pain, Jack shares his regrets with Phyllis. Confirming her worst fears about her husband going back to work for Victor, Lauren finds herself in the position of having to worry about Michael’s safety. This is shaping up to be a battle for the ages as Victor retaliates against Ashland. Sharon sees a new side to Noah. Proving herself to be the friend that he believed her to be, Phyllis helps Jack find closure.
Traci comes to Billy’s rescue. As Devon and Lily struggle with an important decision, it can only be whether or not to merge their respec- tive companies. Victor keeps Lauren in the dark. This fiery redhead can be very formidable when irritated, so the Mustache might want to at least consider coming up with some answers about her husband Michael, who he sent off to do his bidding in Peru.
Victoria’s really been out of the loop recently, most notably where her husband’s concerned. But she may finally see the light when Nikki points her daughter in the right direction. It sounds like our Jack will be struggling emotionally as he’s haunted by his past. Amanda shares her concerns with Devon. Chelsea plays with fire... which can only mean that she flirts with the very-married man of her recent dreams — Rey Rosales!
Days of Our Lives: The walls are closing in on Gwen, and her best bet is to convince Ava not to reveal the details about Abigail’s kidnap- ping. Johnny tries to take on the devil. Xander is finally reunited with Sarah... but things won’t be as simple as the long-separated lovebirds simply running into one another’s arms. Ben and Ciara think that Johnny might be the latest person to have provided the devil with a place to live. Jake is going to be blown away when he finally sees Johnny’s true colors!
Jake might understand recent events a bit better once Ben and Ciara tell him that they suspect Johnny might be possessed. Meanwhile, when Susan tries to suss out the truth, JoDevil manages to throw her off the scent. Belle tries getting to the bottom of why Chad turned on EJ in the courtroom. Nancy is about to go toe-to-toe with Craig’s boy toy, Leo.
One of our favorite grandmother/grandson pairs is reunited when Will comes home and swings by to see Marlena. Hubby Sonny, mean- while, visits Justin to express his concerns about his dad’s marriage to Bonnie. Chloe and Brady join forces to try and pull a fast one on Leo. Will and Sonny are doing their best to help Craig see the light. Bonnie steps up to help give Nancy a makeover!
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20): This is a feel-good morning for you! You are confident and optimistic. Nevertheless, be on the lookout for something that could create a snag to your plans. This might occur be- hind the scenes or it might even be a little voice on your shoulder cre- ating self-doubt. (We all have that little voice.). "Be gone!"
Aries (March 21-April 19): Today begins with a sense of inner enthusiasm. You feel positive about life! However, as the day pro- gresses, you might encounter static from a friend or a member of a group, especially about financial matters or something that you own. Deal with it.
Taurus (April 20-May 20): A friend or a group will spark your enthusiasm this morning, which is why you feel eager and hopeful. However, you might encounter someone in power - a boss, parent or