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     A Winning Attitude
 How To Tell If Your Computer Has Been Hacked
“Nothing can stop a man with the right men- tal attitude.”
Thomas Jefferson
mpowered Greetings. I recently heard the testimony of a woman whom I believe has a winning attitude. She was playing Bible Trivia and throughout the game all she kept saying is, “I’m going to win this thing.” Those words immediately connected with my spirit and I knew that I would speak on it, teach on itorwriteonit---itbeinga winning attitude.
If you are going to be suc- cessful in life, you must have a winning attitude and a mindset that says, “I’m going to win this thing.”
No matter how insur- mountable the obstacles may seem, just continue to reassure yourself that, “I’m going to win this thing.”
There may be times when you are in despair and feel inadequate to complete the task called life. That is when you need to have faith in God and faith in yourself. Get up, get out of that deso- late place, look at yourself in the mirror and say, “I’m going to win this thing.”
I’m going to win against sickness. I’m going to win against financial hardships. I’m going to win in my ca- reer. I am not a defeated foe. “I’m going to win this thing.”
You must cast down every imagination that ex- alts itself against the will of God for your life. Let the devil know, he has to pack his bags, get his grip, and run for the border, because you are a conqueror. You’re going to win this thing.
A winning attitude gives you the confidence to believe that you can achieve any feat life throws your way. There- fore, the words, “I’m going to win this thing” should be
the fuel that energizes you to maximize on your full po- tential.
Reciting, “I’m going to win this thing,” builds a win- ning attitude. It helps you to realize that even though it looks like you may have lost a fight or a few battles, you are still victorious because you know that overall you will win the war.
Although haters will try, you cannot be blocked, and you cannot be stopped be- cause you have a winning mental attitude that says...
“I’m going to win this thing.”
About Selphenia
Selphenia Nichols Simmons is hailed as “The Queen of Success.” As a Life and Business Success Coach, she inspires Christian women and entrepreneurs to go from being a mess to making massive profits. Selphenia’s no-nonsense business strategies take in- dividuals and organizations from scratch, or anywhere in between, to Success.
Selphenia is available to speak at churches, schools, universities, busi- ness organizations, retreats and conferences. To request Selphenia to speak or train at your upcoming event call (813) 603-0088.
Get connected. Join Selphenia on Social Media for some daily motivation.
Facebook: Selphenia Nichols Success Coach To Women; Instagram: @Selphenia; and Twitter: @queenofsuccess1.
For more inspiration, tips tools and strategies for success in life and business sign up for Selphenia’s FREE “Success Made Simple” E-zine at implenews.
       here are millions of
virus strains launched around the world at any given time. Even a strong an- tivirus software cannot stop sophisticated hackers from getting past your computer’s defense system.
An exclusive anti-mal- ware program will help greatly, but it, too, won’t stop certain intrusions from oc- curring. Just ask Equifax who recently had their large database hacked into. Over one hundred and fifty million customers were affected by the breach to Equifax. The good news is if you act quickly the damage can often be contained.
You can avoid hackers from stealing your personal data such as pictures and credit card information. Whether you are using a phone or an actual computer, be familiar with fake mes- sages that may be displayed on your device. Look out for browser toolbars you did not install and remove them from your computer immedi- ately.
Pop-ups and redirection of your browser is often a dead giveaway your com- puter has been hacked by a deadly strain of virus waiting to take over your computer. Be smart and always back up your documents to an offsite location such as a flash drive, don’t rely on your primary hard drive which can be at- tacked and may crash at any time. Change your password often if you noticed problems with your initial password to frequently visited accounts. Stay clear of messages or in- vitations from social media outlets that you are unfamil- iar with as hackers maybe trying desperately to bait
Hackers also will often try
to shut down your antivirus software to gain access to your computer and turn off key features. Reboot your computer often to check if your anti-malware program has been tampered with in some way. Don’t rely on just your antivirus software for sole protection from hackers, use good common sense and do not open links that are sent from unknown sources with catchy headlines. Use
paid programs such as Mal- warebytes to check for deep hidden rootkit viruses and Trojan horses which may be causing your computer to run slowly or unable to per- form basic functions.
Take advantage of your refresh button and restore your computer to its initial state if you believe you may have been seriously hacked. These days the refresh but- ton is easy to use and will only ask basic questions con- cerning what state you would like to restore your com- puter.
Eric Hall holds a Mas- ter’s Degree from the Uni- versity of South Florida in Instructional Technology and Cybersecurity Digital Forensics. He has been a computer technician for over 20 years. He is for- merly the manager and owner of Comptech PC, Inc in Fort Pierce, Florida.
Follow him on Facebook.

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