Page 22 - Florida Sentinel 12-9-16 Online Edition
P. 22

HIV is the virus that causes AIDS. HIV attacks the im- mune system by destroying CD4 positive (CD4+) T cells, a type of white blood cell that is vital to fighting off infec- tion. The destruction of these cells leaves people infected with HIV vulnerable to other infections, diseases and other complications.
Blacks/African Americans are the racial/ethnic group most affected by HIV. Blacks currently account for about half (49%) of the people who get HIV and AIDS, although they comprise 14% of the US population.
The presence of certain STIs can significantly in-
crease the chance of contract- ing HIV.
To become infected with HIV, infected blood, semen or vaginal secretions must enter your body. You can’t become infected through ordinary contact — hugging, kissing, dancing or shaking hands — with someone who has HIV or AIDS. HIV can’t be trans- mitted through the air, water or via insect bites.
You can become infected with HIV in several ways, in- cluding:
• During sexual intercourse • Blood transfusions
• Sharing needles
• From mother to child.
If you’re bored with planks, this version is nothing like your normal move. While in a plank position, push with your toes and rock yourself forward. Your shoulders should be in front of your elbows. Push back until you are back into a normal plank position where your shoulders and elbows should be back in line. Rock for 30 seconds, hold for 30, and repeat.
Don’t forget your inner thighs! This combo move targets your glutes & those stubborn inner thighs.
Stand in a squat position with one leg extended out toward the side of your body but with both feet flat on the floor. Push off of the floor with your bent leg and shift your weight to the extended leg.
Once you are balanced on this leg, kick out to the side with the leg that was bent. Repeat then switch legs.
Even if you eat a healthy diet it can be difficult to get the rec- ommended daily amount of some nutrients. Investing in a strong nutritional foundation supported with quality supplements is part of a preventative medicine plan to stay healthy and vibrant. Following are the top three supplements worth your hard earned dollars for daily support of your health and wellness:
Number 1: A good multivitamin with minerals: The purpose of the multi-vitamin/multi-min- eral supplement is to protect our bodies from everyday wear and tear and to help support our me- tabolism. When making a multivitamin selection, look for vitamins A, D, K and E as well as folate and the trace minerals such as zinc, selenium and chromium.
Number 2: Probiotics are another good foundation supplement. Ever heard the saying, ‘Con- stipation is illegal’? For so many reasons this is true. A good probiotic (emphasis on good) mus- cles out the bad bacteria and in doing so improves bowel movements and aids in digestion. Good gut bacteria can help us lose weight, decrease pain associated with inflammation as well as makes some nutrients and vitamins that we need.
Number 3: A supplement high in omega-3 fatty acids: This includes fish oil, green mussel oil extracts, calamari oils and plant-based sources. Many benefits such as improved heart health, thinking and memory can be received from eating two serving of fish per week. But for some, tak- ing the supplement is easier and more convenient. Also, studies indicate a decrease in inflam- mation related to arthritic pain and asthma in some individuals. Store your omega-3 fatty acid supplement in the fridge or freezer to keep them from turning rancid.

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