Page 23 - Florida Sentinel 12-9-16 Online Edition
P. 23

Celery is an outstanding al- kalizing food. It’s filled with vi- tamin C, vitamin K, natural electrolytes and lots of water, all important for helping to re- store the body’s balance, and preventing the loss of elec- trolytes which can lead to ex- cess inflammation.
It also contains a lesser- known nutrient, phthalides, which have been shown to lower cholesterol, as well as coumarin, known to inhibit a number of different cancers.
Munching on celery is also known to help reduce high blood pressure, further reduc- ing the risk of heart disease.
Eat celery on its own, or chop it up and add it to a stew. It also makes a great base for juices and soups.
Broccoli is one of those veg- etables that offers so much nu- tritional value and so many benefits that it is a must to in- clude in your diet for better health. It’s been proven time and again to be amazingly powerful for supporting the di- gestive and cardiovascular sys- tems, inhibiting cancers, supporting the skin, immune system and metabolism. Eat- ing it steamed or raw makes it an even more alkaline, nutri- tious food.
In addition to using broccoli in a stir-fry, you can steam it with other vegetables, use it in juices or smoothies, add it to a salad or eat it raw on its own.
Avocado is a powerful, alka- line, nutrient-dense super- food. It contains healthy fats that can help prevent hunger pangs in between meals by keeping you feeling fuller and satisfied longer, and, thanks to its high content of oleic acid, it can help to lower total choles- terol, while raising levels of
“good” or HDL cholesterol, and reducing “bad,” or LDL cholesterol.
Oleic acid also works to slow the development of heart disease and even speed up the metabolism to support weight loss. It also offers a host of other nutrients that offer anti- cancer, anti-inflammatory and blood sugar benefits.
Bell Peppers
Bell peppers offer antioxi- dant superpower, are sweet, crunchy and can be used in al- most any meal raw, roasted or grilled.
This highly alkaline food contains flavonoids, carotenoids and hydroxycin- namic acids.
In fact, bell peppers contain more than 30 different mem- bers of the carotenoid nutrient family – the only other food that comes close is the tomato. Bell peppers have been linked to a lower risk of cancer, in- flammation, diabetes, cardio- vascular disease and more.
This alkalizing food is 95% water. That makes it an aston- ishingly hydrating food, and cucumbers are also loaded with an incredible amount of antioxidants, including lig- nans, which have a signifi- cantly strong, scientifically proven reduced risk of cardio- vascular disease and cancer, including ovarian, uterine, breast and prostate cancers.
Cucumbers make the per- fect base for an alkaline soup, juice or smoothie too, deliver- ing, in addition to the above, a host of vitamins and minerals like vitamin C and K, as well as calcium, potassium, phospho- rus, iron, magnesium, copper, selenium and zinc.
Some other foods to add to your Alkaline diet are:
Bok choy,
Coconut oil Matcha green tea Watermelon Raisins
Fresh herbs
and Alkaline water.

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