Page 10 - Florida Sentinel 2-21-20
P. 10

  Mayor Makes Key Appointments For Transforming Tampa’s Tomorrow
 BY IRIS B. HOLTON Sentinel City Editor
Mayor Jane Castor was elected last April. And, since that time, she has made nu- merous changes in city govern- ment. Last Wednesday, Mayor Castor announced key staff appointments designed to sup- port her vision for transform- ing Tampa’s tomorrow.
Since taking office, Mayor Castor has worked with each department to understand the city’s greatest needs, chal- lenges, and strengths. By as- sessing the needs of the city, Mayor Castor has identified individuals she feels will allow the City to continue meeting its growing demand for services while working towards vision- ary goals.
Mayor Castor said, “These changes and key ap- pointments will allow our city to better serve our residents, streamline our services, and ensure that we can keep up with our growing needs.
Master’s Degree in Public Ad- ministration (MPA) with con- centration in Environmental Management from Troy Uni- versity.
She has completed an exec- utive leadership development program with the International City and County Manager Asso- ciation (ICMA), where the overall objective was to en- hance leadership effectiveness by broadening the understand- ing of critical issues and rele- vant concepts pertinent to local government management.
Ms. Wynn serves is an ac- tive member of Women United – United Way Suncoast, Hills- borough County Community Action Board, Tampa Theatre, on several non-profit executive boards; she is also an active member of professional leader- ship organizations.
A distance runner, Ms. Wynn is the mother of two. Her daughter attends Florida A&M University, in Tallahas- see, and her son attends Berklee College of Music in
Boston, MA.
The other appointments are:
Jean Duncan, Adminis- trator of Infrastructure & Mo- bility
Brad Baird, Infrastructure Deputy Administrator
Sal Ryggeruim Infrastruc- ture Services Deputy Adminis- trator
Vik Bhide, Transportation
and Stormwater Services Direc-
Kelly Austin, Human
Resources and Talent Develop- ment Director
Dennis Rogero, Chief Fi- nancial Officer
Carole Post was also pre- viously announced as the new Administrator for Development & Economic Opportunity.
“As we grow, it will be- come increasingly apparent that our city’s structure cannot be linear. We have to work di- agonally, side by side, and in tandem to meet our goals.”
Ms. Ocea Wynn was ap- pointed the Administrator of Neighborhood and Community Affairs. A 15-year employee, Ms. Wynn has served as the Director of the Department of Logistics and Asset Manage- ment for the past 5 years.
Ms. Wynn is an Electri- cal Engineer, who earned a

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