Page 15 - Florida Sentinel 3-24-20
P. 15

Drake Tests Negative For Coronavirus Despite Hanging Out With Kevin Durant
Kodak Black Donates
    TORONTO, CANADA – Drake has tested negative for COVID-19. During an Insta- gram Live session with his fa- ther Dennis Graham, the 6 God revealed he was tested dur- ing his self-imposed quarantine but had good news for his pops. “I had to take a test yesterday,” Drake told his dad. “Yeah, I had to do a test, but it came back negative. That test is un- comfortable, though. They put
that q-tip all the way inside your thoughts and s**t.”
Drake was concerned he was exposed to the coronavirus after hanging out at the Nice Guy club in West Hollywood with Brooklyn Nets star Kevin Durant who has since tested positive. Although Drake’s re- sults were negative, he will pre- sumably continue to self-quarantine at his Toronto mansion.
Florida Kids From Prison
  Like Tom Hanks before him, Idris Elba is giving so- cial media updates to fans since he was diagnosed with coronavirus because, well, what the hell else are they going to do? They're in quar- antine.
In an apparent effort to cope with the isolation, Elba released a song/music video
called "The Long Road 2." The lyrical content is about, duh, his diagnosis and the fact that his illness is very real compared to his acting day job.
On Twitter, he posted the video with a caption saying that making the video was "passing the time." He also thanked fans for support.
BROWARD COUNTY, FL – Kodak Black has exhibited his mixed feelings about the coron- avirus pandemic throughout this week, but now wants to be a helping hand to his hometown area’s schools.
The incarcerated “Tunnel Vi- sion” lyricist mocked his rap counterparts’ lack of work op- portunities because of the worldwide COVID-19 scare in his since-deleted Instagram post on Wednesday (March 18).
One day later, his attorney Bradford Cohen told TMZ that Kodak Black will be do- nating 625 books or $5,000 worth of school supplies from prison to first-to fifth-grade stu- dents in his native Broward County, Florida to meet the state’s reading standards.
This comes amid the shut- down of Broward County
School Supplies To
 Idris Elba Releases Song, Music Video About His COVID-19 Diagnosis
schools, like many others across the U. S., until at least April 15 because of the Center For Dis- ease Control’s social distancing requirements to curb the spread of the virus.
    Lecrae Installs Portable Hand-Washing
ATLANTA, GA – The coron- avirus pandemic is continuing to spread across the globe, causing a panic-driven society to buy up all the toilet paper, hand sanitizer and other es- sentials, leaving many without. But there are some who are looking out for their fellow hu- mans — even those who are often cast aside by the rest of the world.
Case in point, Lecrae is re- portedly helping to install sev- eral portable hand-washing stations for the homeless pop- ulation in Atlanta. According
Stations For Atlanta Homeless
 to WSB-TV 2
faith-based MC has linked up with the non-profit organiza-
tion Love Beyond Walls in an effort to provide better hygiene to those stuck on the streets.
New Orleans Bounce DJ/Producer Black N Mild Dies Following Coronavirus Diagnosis
 NEW ORLEANS, LA – Vet- eran New Orleans DJ/pro- ducer Black N Mild — real name Oliver Stokes, Jr. — has reportedly passed away shortly after testing positive for the coronavirus. According to, the New Or- leans Parish Coroner’s Office confirmed Stokes died on Thursday (March 19) at the age of 44.
The Go DJs member also worked as the “in-school sus- pension coordinator” at Arthur
Ashe Charter School in Gen- tilly since July. He left work with a fever on March 9 and ended up at the Ochsner Ur- gent Care-Lakeview facility with a temperature of 102.4 degrees.
By March 11, Stokes had been admitted to University Medical Center. His last Face- book post read, “pneumonia not the flu.”

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