Page 24 - Florida Sentinel 10-23-20
P. 24
Preschoolers Learn Process Of Voting By Participating
HART Board Of Directors Narrows National Search For CEO To 4 Finalists
HART Veteran Named To Serve As Interim CEO
The Hillsborough County Regional Transit Authority (HART) Board of Directors re- viewed eight candidates pro- posed by the recruiting firm GovHR USA to become the permanent CEO and narrowed the search to four finalists:
• HenryIkwut-Ukwa,Di- rector of Transportation, At- lanta BeltLine, Inc.
• Bernard Jackson, Sen- ior Executive Officer, Rail Op- erations, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority
• Adelee Marie Le Grand, Vice President/ Exec- utive Strategic Advisor, Trans- dev North America
• James E. Price, Chief Transit Operations, Hampton Roads Transit
Of the initial 8 finalists, 5 (4 males, 1 female) were listed as African-American.
One-on-one candidate in- terviews will be held prior to the November 2, 2020 Regular Meeting of the Board. The can- didate presentations will be de- livered at the November 2, 2020 Regular Meeting of the Board; and the candidate se- lection will be made at this meeting.
Interim CEO Named
An additional action taken by the Board was the appoint- ment of HART veteran Ruthie Reyes Burckard as its In- terim Chief Executive Officer (ICEO), effective immediately. Reyes Burckard will be re- ceiving a salary of $195,000 until the permanent CEO joins HART.
Reyes Burckard brings 30 years of public transit experi- ence to the ICEO role. She started her career as a Bus Op- erator in 1990 in New York City; and has served HART in Operations since 2002.
BY IRIS B. HOLTON Sentinel City Editor
In just a few weeks, Amer- icans will choose the person to lead the country for the next four years. One local pre- school is helping to teach the next generation the impor- tance of voting through partic- ipation.
On Monday, November 2nd, the students at College Hill Church Of God In Christ will hold their own election. The students will cast ballots for “Candidate B” or “Candi- date T.”
Superintendent Charles Davis, pastor of the church said, “There are so many young people who can vote, but don’t, we want to teach these children about
... Pastor College Hill Church Of God In Christ
voting at an early age. We are not promoting either candi- date or political party, we are using an alphabet system.
“We are teaching them about the process of voting and what it means throughout the month. Then on Novem- ber 2nd, they will make their own selection.”
Superintendent Davis
said the purpose of this exer- cise is to introduce the chil- dren to the process and talk to them about being a good citi- zen by voting.
He further said “in the process of educating the chil- dren, we hope to also remind their parents of the impor- tance of voting. We also hope to prompt families to have conversations at home about the importance of voting.”