Page 3 - Florida Sentinel 10-23-20
P. 3
Mother Seeks Justice For Her 27-Year-Old Son
BY GWEN HAYES Sentinel Editor
Ms. Angela Wynn agreed for her son, Antello Wynn, to enter a 2-year program that she believed would help him. That now has been over 10 years.
Antello was a juvenile when he first entered the program.
More than 25 years ago, Antello was involved in a serious accident that injured his grandmother, Augusta Wynn, and left him criti- cally injured, in ICU for an extended time. Antello is now 27 years old and has brain damage and physical disabilities from the acci- dent.
A couple of youngsters were playing around an un-
attended vehicle, when one of them put the vehicle in re- verse. The vehicle knocked Antello’s grandmother down, and he was also knocked down and the vehi- cle rolled over him.
“While being locked away, Antello has been hurt in different incidents. I fear for my son’s well-being. Whatever the crime, he has done this program over and over again. This is unfair jus- tice,” his mother, Ms. Wynn said.
Ms. Wynn is seeking help to bring her son home. “When your child makes a mistake, do you punish him for the rest of his life?,” she asks.
Ms. Wynn has one “Cer- tificate Of Completion” that Antello received in 2013.
She believed that he had fin- ished the program. It was completion of the Mentally Retarded Defendant Pro- gram (MRDP) Assertive Training Class.
Ten years later, Antello is now in Marianna, FL (Sun- nyland), where he has gone through 2 stepdown pro- grams, his mother says. “It seems as though when he’s about to get close to gettng out, someone intimidates him, pushes him into a fight, causing him to lash out at them and he loses points. That’s not right and he’s not getting any justice.
“Last week, he called, cry- ing, someone had attacked him in the bathroom, there are no cameras, and left him with a bloody nose. I talk with him every day, trying to
keep him encouraged, but it’s hard. I’ve gotten to the point now where I need some help. I don’tknow what else to do,” she explained.
Anyone with advice on what steps Ms. Wynn can take to get help for her child, may contact her at (813) 820-7573.