Page 4 - Florida Sentinel 10-23-20
P. 4
Hillsborough County Sets Early Voting Record 1st Day
BY IRIS B. HOLTON Sentinel City Editor
Early voting began at 7 a.m., on Monday, October 19th. At the end of the day the number of people who cast their ballots set a new record in Hillsborough County.
According to the Hills- borough County Supervisor of Elections, 24,000 voters went to the polls on Monday.
Supervisor Craig La- timer tweeted that turnout had surpassed the first day of Early Voting during the pres- idential election in 2016. The unofficial turnout after 8 p.m. was 24,062 compared to 18,887 in 2016.
On Tuesday, 22,474 peo- ple visited the polls and cast their ballots.
Officials report that 186,162 voted by mail Mon-
day, compared to 93,837 at this time in 2016. A total of 206,874 vote-by-mail ballots were received Tuesday.
Early Voting began in Hillsborough County on Monday, October 19th, and will continue until Sunday, November 1st. Voters can visit the Early Voting loca- tions from 7 a.m. until 7 p.m., seven days a week.
Election Day Voting
Tuesday, November 3rd is the day of the General Elec- tion for 2020. Individuals who choose to vote on Elec- tion Day will be required to vote at their assigned precincts.
Latimer said in a press release that residents should check to make sure their precinct locations have not been changed. He suggests
identification that include your signature and your pho- tograph.
Acceptable forms of iden- tification include: Florida Driver License; Florida ID Card issued by the Depart- ment of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles; U.S. Pass- port; Debit or Credit Card; Military ID; Student ID; Re- tirement Center ID; Neigh- borhood Association ID; Public Assistance ID; Vet- eran Health ID (issued by VA); Concealed Weapon Li- cense (issued pursuant to s. 790.06); or Government Employee ID.
Tracking Your Vote
A new program allows residents to track their bal- lots. When your ballot has been received and counted. If there is a problem, track-
ing tool will have details on what you need to do to re- solve the issue.
Residents can also track their vote-by-mail ballot from the Supervisor’s office to you and then back to the Supervisor’s office. They can also request and email or text confirming you ballot has been received. The Ballot Scout tool is not available for overseas voters.
CRAIG LATIMER Hillsborough County Supervisor of Elections
that voters visit the Hillsbor- ough County Supervisor of Elections website and visit the “Find My Precinct” to ob- tain the correct information.
Those who choose to vote on Election Day will be re- quired to have two forms of