Page 13 - Florida Sentinel 4-30-21
P. 13

    East Tampa CRA Presents ‘East Tampa Leadership And Entrepreneurship Academy’
 Hearing the hearts of several con- cerned East Tampa residents, Dr. Jeffery Johnson, East Tampa Community Advisory Committee (CAC) Board member, thought of a way to promote leadership, reduce crime, and create a lasting system for the youth in East Tampa.
During their February board meeting, he introduced the concept of the East Tampa Youth Leadership and Entrepreneurship Academy. The program was initially voted upon, ap- proved, and funded by the East Tampa CRA and subsequently by the collective Tampa CRA Board/City Council. The program received such acclaimed that the City Council/CRA Board suggested the academy would be a great suggested implementation throughout the other city CRA com- mittees.
The Academy is an organized de-
young scholars between the ages of 15 and 18 years old and who reside within the East Tampa Community Redevelopment Area. The admit- tance will not exceed forty scholars. The purpose of the academy is to em- power teenage emerging leaders through the avenues of: strategic planning, leadership growth, busi- ness design, educational enhance- ment, and community development.
As part of their community devel-
opment, participants in this Acad-
emy will provide volunteer services
in connection with programs and ac-
tivities consistent with the East
Tampa Community Redevelopment
monthly volunteer hours.
Parents are encouraged to partic-
ipate through several activities that are planned for their engagement.
Mentors are needed in the areas of: Certified Life Coaches, Workforce Development Specialist, Financial Literacy Consultants, Corporate Ex- ecutives, Real Estate and Property Acquisition professional, Political Strategist, and Community Organiz- ing.
To become a mentor or request an application of enrollment into the leadership academy please email:, or visit the East Tampa CRA Office at
velopmental program through guidance of the East Tampa Commu- nity Advisory Committee (CAC) for
The program is a twelve-month 33610.
program and is scheduled to begin in June 2021. Students will be required to attend a monthly Saturday train- ing session as well as complete
For additional information or if you have any questions, please con- tact the East Tampa CRA office at 813-242-3807.
HPlaarnol.dHart,SankarMontouteandJamesHar3re8l0l8 N. 22nd Street, Tampa, FL
and several others with the BayCare staff that helped
distribute the balloons at St. Jospeh’s Children’s Hos-
     USF Researchers Need Your Participation
 The University of South Florida (USF) is conducting a study on “Racism In School Exclusionary Sus- pensions” (known as Project RISES). According to Dr. Brenda L. Walker, Principal Investigator, “We are researching out of school suspen- sions of African American middle and high school students. We need your help to better understand school sus- pensions and recommend strategies to reduce out of school suspensions.”
The researchers are looking for students, parents, and community members to participate. Middle and high school African American stu- dents can participate in virtual sur- veys, focus groups, and interviews. They will receive a $25 gift card each time they participate.
To be eligible, you have to be African American middle or high school students who have had more than one out of school
and community members can partic- ipate in virtual focus groups and indi- vidual interviews. To honor their time, they will receive a $25 WalMart Gift Card each time they participate in the study.
“We have three community part-
ners who will provide space and tech-
nology for anyone who lacks the
technology to participate virtually.
Our partners include Rev. Dr.
Glenn B. Dames and Allen Temple
AME Church, Ms. Yvette Lewis and
the NAACP Hillsborough County
Branch, and Mr. Ernest Coney, Jr.
and the CDC of Tampa. Our partici-
pating community partners will ad-
tigator), Dr. Saundra Johnson- Austin (Co-Principal Investigator), Dr. Dana Thompson Dorsey (Co- Principal Investigator), Dr. La- Sonya Moore (Co-Principal Investigator), Dr. Gwendolyn Webb (Key Personnel), Mr. Mar- quis Holley (Key Personnel), and Dr. Samuel L. Wright, Sr. (Com- munity Consultant and Liaison).
All responses will be anonymous and confidential. The study findings will be compiled and will not be con- nected to individual participants.
Dr. Walker is encouraging stu- dents and parents to get involved. For more information and to register for
  DR. BRENDA L. WALKER ...Principal Investigator
suspension between the 2018-19 school year to present.
Parents, other legal guardians,
HheareoltdoHCaDrCt,’SsaCnOkaVrIMD-o1n9toruestetrainctdioJnams,”es Hartrheellstudy, please contact:
and several others with the BayCare staff that helped
Dr. Walker said. Dr. Brenda L. Walker at (813)
distribute the balloons at St. Jospeh’s Children’s Hos-
This study is strictly voluntary and participants are free to withdraw at any time and with no penalty. The Project RISES team includes: Dr. Brenda L. Walker (Principal Inves-
974-1385 brendawalker
Dr. Saundra Johnson-Austin,
Dr. Samuel L. Wright, Sr.,
(813) 789-7714.

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