Page 16 - Florida Sentinel 8-14-20
P. 16
R3 Program To Provide Financial Assistance For Individuals And Families
City Of Tampa Expands Phase III Of One Tampa Business Relief
Hillsborough County program to help with housing and electric payments; online appli- cation have been avail- able since August 3
Hillsborough County is taking action to help resi- dents who are seeking crisis intervention as they experi- ence the economic effects of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.
Through Hillsbor- ough’s Rapid Response Re- covery Program (R3), residents who lost their jobs or have suffered reduced wages can apply for financial assistance to help in paying housing and electric utility costs that have become bur- densome as a result of the COVID-19 crisis.
Hillsborough County has
released the eligibility crite- ria and paperwork require- ments for Phase II of its Utility and Housing As- sistance program, which launched on Monday, Au- gust 3. Any income-qualify- ing Hillsborough resident, including individuals and families in Tampa, Plant City, and Temple Terrace, can apply for assistance.
The County urges resi- dents who need assistance to review the eligibility criteria and requirements before ap- plying. This ensures applica- tions submitted are complete, accurate, and can be reviewed to determine el- igibility expeditiously.
Qualifying households must have income at or below 120 percent of the Area Median Income qualifi- cations as reported on 2019 Tax Return (IRS form 1040
Adjusted Gross Income) for the year. Households apply- ing for shelter assistance must have a current lease or mortgage obligation; and households applying for as- sistance with past-due elec- tric utility bills must have a past due bill in the appli- cant’s name.
Households will be eligi- ble for between $1,000 and $1,800 a month in housing assistance, depending on when the applicant’s loss of wages began, as well as up to $750 in electric utility help.
Housing financial assis- tance will be a direct pay- ment to residents for rent or mortgage, but utility finan- cial assistance will be paid to the electric company and will cover past-due charges. Funds will be available on a first-come, first-served basis.
The expansion offers $2,000 Checks to Busi- nesses Critically-Im- pacted by COVID-19
As many business owners continue to face unexpected challenges due to COVID-19, the City of Tampa is expand- ing Phase III of the One Tampa Business Relief pro- gram to help lift up local businesses in need. The ap- plication portal for the expanded Phase III opened at noon Friday, August 7th, 2020.
During this phase, busi- ness owners that have been critically-impacted by COVID-19 and who did not previously qualify for One Tampa aid can apply to re- ceive $2,000 relief checks, regardless of where their business is located within the City of Tampa limits.
These checks can be used to cover any business ex- penses related to recovery
and restoring the qualifying business, including payroll, stock, supply and inventory, rent or mortgage, utility or other bills, and physical or space improvements to pro- tect customers and staff.
In order to qualify for aid, businesses must be located within the City of Tampa lim- its and must be registered with a City Business Tax li- cense in one of the critically- impacted business sectors. Businesses do not have to be located in a low-income-cen- sus-tract or Community Re- development Area (CRA). Only businesses that have previously paid 2020 busi- ness taxes are eligible to apply. Please note: If you previously received a $2,000 Phase III grant or other One Tampa business funding, you are not eligible for a second grant award.
Business owners can learn more and apply for the ex- panded Phase III of One Tampa at