Page 17 - Florida Sentinel 8-14-20
P. 17

  Mayor Castor Announces Members Of Economic Advisory Team
 As part of Mayor Jane Castor’s mission for “Transforming Tampa’s To- morrow,” she has worked with the Tampa City Council to assemble a group of sub- ject matter experts, key stakeholders, and commu- nity leaders to participate in an Economic Advisory Team that will kick-off later this month.
Following the successful formula of the Mayor’s previ- ous advisory committees, she has secured the support of USF to lead the committee meetings and set a clear ob- jective and mission. Dean Moez Limayem of the Muma College of Business and Dr. Michael Bloom of the USF Office of Corporate Partnerships will co-chair the committee. In addition, Carole Post and Harry Cohen will help facilitate the work of this team.
The team will convene over a 90-day period, charged with identifying key metrics, indicators and a set of recommendations con- cerning matters such as con- tinued economic prosperity and diversification, strate-
Dean Moez Limayem of the Muma College of Business
gies to reduce poverty and improve household income across all races and genders and throughout all Tampa’s neighborhoods. The group will look for key tactical and strategic initiatives to bolster Tampa’s financial stability and facilitate economic op- portunities.
The members of this ad- visory team include:
Juawana Colbert- Williams - U. S. Small Busi- ness Administration, Outreach and Marketing Specialist
Ernest Coney - CDC of
Dr. Michael Bloom of the USF Office of Corporate Part- nerships
Tampa, President and CEO Ron Christaldi - Shu- maker Advisors Florida,
President and CEO
John Flanagan - Ca-
reerSource Tampa Bay, CEO Henry Gonzalez - Beach Community Bank,
SVP and Tampa Market President
Sandra Guggino -
Hillsborough Community College, Enrollment Devel- opment Coordinator
Bobby Harris - Blue- Grace Logistics, CEO
Rick Homans - Tampa Bay Partnership, President and CEO
Sonya Little - Strategic Property Partners, CAO
Yvette Lewis - NAACP Hillsborough County Branch, President
Missy Martin - Roche Surety and Community Ad- vocate
Bishop Michelle B. Patty - Michelle B. Patty Ac- cident Referral Service, CEO
Cory Person - Hill Ward Henderson, Attorney and Shareholder
Randy Randolph -
Abundant Life Enrichment Church, Pastor
Craig Richard - Tampa Bay EDC, President and CEO Bob Rohrlack - Tampa Bay Chamber, President and
Francisco Sanchez -
Holland and Knight, Partner and former U. S. Undersec- retary of Commerce for Trade
Andy Joe Scaglione - Real Estate Investor, Past President of Greater Tampa Realtors and Vice Chairman of Tampa Sports Authority
Lakshmi Shenoy - Em- barq Collective, CEO
Andrew Wright - Franklin St., CEO and Man- aging Partner
Mercedes Young - Vivid Consulting Group, CEO

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