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    The Most Influential Moment In History
   It has been almost 60 years since 200,000 Black people converged on Washington, D.C., to de- mand equal opportunity and protection from the U. S. government. It was a defin- ing event that set the prece- dent for all future movements, as well as make an icon of a young charis- matic preacher from Geor- gia, who would go on to become the face of Civil Rights.... Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. His "I Have A Dream"
speech, delivered at the foot of the Lincoln Memorial on August 28th, 1963, is widely considered one of the great- est oratories of the 20th cen- tury. It was a sermon with a prophetic tone so powerful that many believe it was re- sponsible for influencing the lawmakers who helped to usher in the change that fol- lowed.
Six decades have passed since that famous moment in history. And, in that time, countless other groups have followed the blueprint set by
those determined descen- dants of African slaves to bring attention to causes large and small.
The legacy of the iconic March On Washington isn't just that it paved the way for numerous opportunities for Blacks, including the election of Barack Obama to the presidency, it also showed the world that, regardless of how marginalized you may be, an organized and unified front has the power to make a difference. You just have to be courageous, strong and bold enough to stand up so your voice can be heard.
Hopefully, the genera- tions to come will hold on to that lesson.
Reality On Ice is © by the Florida Sentinel Bul- letin Publishing Com- pany. You can contact Mr. Barr at: cbar-
     The Game Of Life
 “I can’t imagine a per- son becoming a success who doesn’t give this game of life everything he’s got.”
Walter Cronkite
mpowered Greet- ings. All across America you can find devout fans cheering for their favorite football team. It doesn’t matter if it’s Pop Warner, high school, col- lege or a professional league; people go to the extreme to represent their team.
They buy team parapher- nalia, die their hair and paint their bodies just to let you know what team they are rooting for. The game of foot- ball presents many chal- lenges for defensive and offensive players, coaches, managers and owners.
However, the most suc- cessful teams have a keen un- derstanding of the pros and cons of the game, their oppo- nents and the business side of the sport.
Well, as exciting as foot- ball is, I believe the game of life is more exciting, despite all of its challenges. I also be- lieve that, as fanatic as you are about your favorite sports team, is how fanatic you should be about your life. If you’re not the number one fan of you, then who will be?
In life, just like in football, there are some basics about the game you must under- stand. You will have some good days and some bad
days. You will win some and you will lose some. And there are some blows you’re going to have to take for the good of the team.
In life, just like football, you must have the right coach providing you with tips and strategies designed to help you be successful.
In life, just like football there are some drills and plays you must perform on a regular basis. The drills you practice and the plays you perform over and over again will determine your level of success.
In life, just like in football, you better scout out your op- ponents and recognize their schemes, plans, plots and traps they’ve set out against you, to get you off of your “A” game.
In life, just like in football you must determine the next play you need to make to score the winning goal in your life.
All I am trying to say is, get in the game of your life and start playing to win!
Stay connected with me for empowering words of wis- dom to help you win in life, business and ministry. Fol- low me on Social Media.
Facebook: Selphenia Nichols Success Coach To Women; Instagram: Selphenia; and Twitter: queenodsuccess1.
To request Selphenia to speak or train at your upcom- ing event call (813) 603- 0088.
   More Black Celebrity Philanthropists
   It is nearly impossible to name all of the rappers and hip-hop artists who give back to their communities. Moreover, the philanthropy of athletes and other celebri- ties should not be ignored, and will be shared later on. However, the generosity of rap and hip-hop artists, having created a new 19th and 20th century genre of music, are worthy of recognition first.
In addition to what Jay- Z has done and continues to do, he recently paid the at- torney fees for a Black family who left a store unaware that their 4-year old daughter had taken a doll from the store, and who were treated harshly by the pointing of guns, cursing and threats to shoot them in the heads by Phoenix, Arizona police offi-
Around the same time,
rapper T. I. partnered with the home church of the late Martin Luther King, Jr., Ebenezer Baptist Church, to hold a three-day conference on the mass incarceration of Blacks, and will pay the bail of dozens of poor and work- ing class citizens in the At- lanta, Georgia area.
Common set up a foun- dation, Common Ground, to help inner city youth to have opportunities using creative arts, mentoring, college readiness and job readiness skills. He partners with the Chicago Youth Job Collabo- rative, the Chicago Urban League, and other commu- nity organizations to trans- form summer jobs for youth into year-round employ- ment.
Cash-Money and Bird- man for the past 20 years, have held a Thanksgiving Turkey Giveaway for resi- dents; funded dental, blood pressure, and diabetes screenings, eye examina- tions. They also support a “Giver Like a King” initiative to help homeless veterans, and people with Alzheimers.
Kanye West’s Dr. Donda West Foundation helps keep children from dropping out of school and funds programs throughout America to help children stay on the right path and gradu- ate.
Last, but not least, Big Sean endorsed a campaign to boost enrollment in the Detroit School System, gave the Detroit School System money to purchase clothing for needy youth for school.
There is a long list of do- nations and fundraising to help the school system, Wayne State College, and numerous initiatives for youth.
We applaud the rappers and hip-hop artists who reach out to give a hand up to the children and families in their communities.

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