Page 15 - Florida Sentinel 12-27-19
P. 15
Shuffleboard Team Ends Year
BY IRIS B. HOLTON Sentinel City Editor
For more than a year, the Hillsborough County Shuffle- board Team has held its monthly competition. On De- cember 20th, members of the team gathered at Ragan Park Community Center for the 12th and final competition for this calendar year.
The team members repre- sent shuffleboard teams rep- resenting the Sulphur Springs Seniors, the Ella Apartment Seniors, the Lee Davis Seniors, and the Jazzy Seniors.
Steve Scott is the Direc- tor and Trainer of the organ- ization. Ms. Katherine Palmer is the Assistant Di- rector and Trainer.
The winners for this month’s competition were: Ms. Katherine Palmer, and Ms. Quincy Jeffer- son, who captured first place honors.
Second place honors were bestowed upon Ms. Sandra Mills and Ms. Ada Luke.
Other members who were there to close out the year
Among those who attended the final competition for the year shown on the front row, from left to right: Steve Scott, Kather- ine Palmer, Quincy Jefferson, Sandra Mills, Ada Luke, and Betty Bell. Shown standing are: Connie Bowen, Irma Jackson, Mary Wright, Linda Cotney, Helen Adams and Ruby Epps.
With 12th Tournament
were: Betty Bell, (President of the Jazzy Seniors), Ms. Connie Bowen, Ms. Irma Jackson, Ms. Mary Wright, Ms. Linda Cot- ney, Ms. Helen Adams and Ms. Ruby Epps. The winners receive gift cards as their prize.
The monthly senior desig- nated activity is the brain-
child of Steve Scott.
The Shuffleboard Team,
which consists of senior citi- zens from throughout Hills- borough County, take part in the monthly championship tournaments. The tourna- ments are usually held the last Friday of the month. The most recent tournament was held on December 20th.
Scott teaches Shuffle- board on Mondays and Fri- days from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m., at Ragan Park Community Center, 1200 E. Lake Avenue. He also teaches the game at Cyrus Greene Community Center on Thursday, from 1 p.m. until 2:30 p.m., and he holds training classes at Williams Park and Fair Oaks
Community Centers.
On Tuesdays from 11 a.m.
until 12 noon, Scott teaches the game at the Lee Davis Neighborhood Service Cen- ter.
For more information about training dates and times contact Ragan Park Community Center at (813) 242-5316.