Page 13 - Florida Sentinel 12-27-19
P. 13
Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Announces 2020 Award Recipients
BY GWEN HAYES Sentinel Editor
Scholarship Banquet planned for March 21, 2020.
Ross Anderson and Paula Kay are both being nominated for the Al Dixon Award. Ron Gardner is being honored for his 50 years of service in Phi Beta Sigma.
It’s not until Saturday, March 21, 2020, 6 p. m., when the men of Phi Beta Sigma Fra- ternity, Inc., in conjunction with the Crescent Foundation, will host their Scholarship Banquet.
The Blue-Tie Affair will be held at the DoubleTree Hotel Tampa Airport Westshore. Adrian White is waiting to take orders for tickets. Call him at (813) 743-8779.
The event is to honor their legacy. Those to be honored are:
Gloria Shellman loves volunteering.
from Florida A&M University and an Educational Doctorate Degree in School Administra- tion from Nova University.
Dr. Fisher retired from the Hillsborough County School System after 42 years of exem- plary service. Beginning her ca- reer in elementary education, she was selected “Teacher of the Year” on five separate occasions and was one of the first educa- tors to be appointed learning specialist in the district. Dr. Fisher assumed many educa- tional leadership roles, includ- ing piloting and implementing many key instructional pro- grams, such as opening the Hillsborough County Middle School Program at N. B. Young, and opening N. B. Young Mid- dle Magnet School for Math, Science and Technology.
Dr. Fisher was the first African-American female to be appointed as a secondary school principal in Hillsborough County and assumed a leader- ship role in implementing the Hillsborough County school de- segregation plan.
In 2000, The Tampa Hous- ing Authority initiated the an- nual Dr. Margaret A. Fisher Scholarship to five outstanding high school graduating seniors.
Dr. Fisher is a member of Tyer Temple United Methodist Church serving on the Usher Board, Finance Committee, Chairperson of the Pastor Parish Committee and the Ad- ministrative Board.
sonville, Florida.
In 2002, he was awarded
the Doctor of Philosophy in Re- ligious Studies from Tabernacle Baptist College and Seminary, Tampa Florida.
In 1995, Rev. Burrows and his wife relocated to Tampa and became members of the First Baptist Church of College Hill. Shortly after joining First Baptist, he was hired by Rev. Abraham Brown to serve as the church’s first fulltime Youth Pastor.
In 2005 the church voted to increase Rev. Burrow’s re- sponsibilities and by unanimous consent promoted him to the position of Assistant Pastor. Upon the retirement of Rev. Brown in 2007, Rev. Bur- rows assumed responsibilities as Interim Pastor until his elec- tion as Pastor in May of 2008.
Rev. Burrows is married to Rosa (Godet) Burrows and they have two sons, Henry and Andrew.
Ms. Paula A. Kay serves as the Cen-
Christian Methodist Church.
Ron Gardner is a native of Belleview,
Florida. He
change the World.”
Mr. Anderson saw a pro-
found need in schools primarily in the inner city, for mentorship directed towards those whom he often refers as “our boys.”
The young men he initially went after were often angry, fa- therless, disenchanted with school, feeling disenfranchised and on the brink of hopeless- ness and despair. Their aca- demic records were poor and their discipline records even worse.
With an average of 5 sus- pensions from school for fight- ing and skipping class and most struggling with reading; some even had probation officers due to their poor choices within the community.
Out of seemingly hopeless obstacles MEN OF VISION was born. By advocating for these young men, tutoring them and fathering them he teaches them to respect themselves, one an- other and their community through focusing on serving others.
The MEN OF VISION serv- ice organization is for dedicated young men who believe they can make a difference in the com- munity in which they live. MEN OF VISION also provides an op- portunity for young men to en- hance the knowledge and skills that will assist them in personal development; to address the physical and social needs of their communities; to promote better relations between all peo- ple through a framework of friendship and service and to provide an overall vision for the future.
Personally, Ross Ander- son was educated in Hillsbor- ough County public schools, graduating from Hillsborough High School. He earned degrees from the University of South Florida and Waldorf College and his Master’s from Columbia Southern University. He is the proud father of two young men.
His oldest son, James Elaissaint-Anderson re- ceived his associate in Science degree in International Busi- ness from Miami Dade Commu- nity College. He will receive his Bachelor’s of Science degree in International Business with a minor in accounting from Florida International Univer- sity.
His second son, Henry Tillman, Jr. is currently serv- ing in the U. S. Army as 56M, E3, stationed in Belgium, Ger- many.
from Fruit-
land Park Ele-
School in Lake
Florida; Jew-
ett High
School in
Winter Haven,
known as Florence Villa); Gibbs Junior College in Saint Peters- burg, Florida; University of South Florida, Tampa campus; and Florida Technical College, Tampa.
His professional career out- side of academia includes serv- ing in the United States Army from January 1966 to December 1967, and received the “Army Commendation Medal” for mer- itorious service in the Republic of Vietnam, from June 1966 to December 1967.
In January 1970, he became the first Black Computer Pro- grammer hired at the University of South Florida.
He currently is an active member at New Hope Mission- ary Baptist Church, where he was ordained as a Deacon on March 10, 1996. An important aspect of his life is family - he was married to the late Bertha, his wife of fifty years plus one day. They are proud parents of son, Ramiel (Trena) and daughter, Jolanda Thornton, and four grandchildren (Xavier, Errin, Ragan Gard- ner and Madison Thorn- ton).
He is an active and Life Member of Phi Beta Sigma Fra- ternity, Incorporated, where he has served as a member for over 55 years.
In November of 2006, Ross Anderson
She feels it’s
the act of giv-
ing time and
service to a
cause without
payment. It
was how she
grew up, and
it defines her.
Gloria’s goal
in life is to in-
spire others to
give back in any way they can, not because they must, but be- cause they want to.
Ms. Shellman is the daughter of Gertrude An- drews and the late Everett Andrews, Sr. She is the mother of two sons, and the grandmother of 7 grandchil- dren. She is a member of the Greater Mount Moriah Primi- tive Baptist Church for over 54 years and the president of Usher Board #1 for 14 years.
She is employed at Memo- rial Hospital and the supervisor over Communication for 40 years and a hairstylist at Classic Salon for over 28 years.
Dr. Margaret A. Fisher
tennial State
Director for
the State of
Florida since
2018. She has
been a mem-
ber of Zeta
Phi Beta
Sorority since
1993, where
she holds
in Nu Upsilon Zeta Chapter in Temple Terrace, Florida. Paula has served the Sorority on all levels including, but not limited to Chapter President and in a variety of coordinator positions on the Regional and State Lev- els.
She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Criminal Justice and a Master of Arts degree in Crimi- nology. She is employed by the United Way Suncoast as a Sen- ior Manager and has worked previously as Grants Manager at Boys & Girls Clubs of Tampa Bay and Coordinator of Statisti- cal Research at Florida Mental Health Institute, University of South Florida.
Paula actively attends Holsey Temple Christian Methodist Episcopal Church, where she is active with the Mis- sionary and Lay Departments and has worked extensively on the District and Region Levels. She serves as the Conference Planner and Webmistress for the 5th Episcopal District of the
In preparation for the Chris- tian ministry, Rev. Dr. S. Evan Bur-
rows en-
rolled at
Florida Bible
College in
1977, from
which he
with a Bache-
lor’s Degree
in Biblical
and Pastoral Studies (BA) with honors. At the college, he di- rected the college Sunday School during his senior year. He also served as Vice President of the Student Body during that year.
In 1984, he was awarded the Silver Seal Teacher’s Diploma from the Evangelical Teacher Training Association. He also holds a Master’s Degree in Counseling (MA) from the Luther Rice Seminary, Jack-
received her Bachelor of Science De- gree in Edu- cation from Bethune- Cookman College, a Master of Arts Degree in Education
founded Men of Vision at Sligh Middle School and in June 2010, Men of Vision, Inc. was estab- lished with the concept of “Action & Vision can