Page 13 - Florida Sentinel 5-29-20
P. 13

 FRIDAY, MAY 29, 2020
10th Wedding Anniversaries
     Allison and Jarome Q. Davis were honored at their 10th An- niversary at the Hilton Hotel.
These guests are: Blade and Torri Streeter, Glenn Tolken, Brent Bassen, Ruby Brown and Hailey Tolken.
Aria Leeks at the 10th An- niversary Celebration of Al- lison and Jarome Q. Davis.
Toddrick and Denise Shine were at the Davis 10th Anniversary Celebration.
    Carlos and Uroi Kinsley celebrated their 10th Wedding Anniversary on Har- bour Island.
Brice and Terralla Verena celebrated their 10th Wedding Anniversary at the Brandon Hall Center.
They were joined by several family members and friends.
Theresa Landry and Emilia Mays were guests at the Kinsley Anniversary Celebra- tion.
Madelyn Gaines and Eva Piper were at the Kinsley Anniversary Celebration.
Among the guests at the Kins- ley Wedding Anniversary Cele- bration were Anna and Nathen Buittley and Greta Mallston.
(Photographs by Julia Jackson)
   Roscoe and Everlena Westox joined
Salina Eastren and Amber Gilmore were guests at the Verenas 10th Anniversary Celebration.
the Verenas for their 10
  Cookie Ryans and Ellen Chan- deler were among the guests at the Verena Anniversary event.
These ladies who enjoyed the Verenas 10th Anniversary Celebration are: Connie Fride, Dalle Pittman, Maney Brask and Rhymenia Deeks.

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