Page 21 - Florida Sentinel 12-17-21
P. 21

As parents age, roles be- come reversed as their adult children become the care- givers. Sometimes, it’s just providing a quick ride to the store, the way your mother might have driven you before you had your license. Other times, you may find yourself changing the diapers of the person who once changed yours.
It may be heartening to learn, though, that in a na- tional survey of caregivers, more than 80% said they found caregiving rewarding. That doesn’t mean it’s not dif- ficult, particularly when you’re thrust into the role due to a cri- sis like a stroke or a fall in the home.
Here are some tips that may help you move past the chaos to find the reward.
1. Make a caregiving budget.
Before making a lifestyle decision with financial conse- quences, put together a com- prehensive look at what you are spending on caregiving. Make a companion list of your parent’s resources and how they might be better used to support caregiving activities.
2. Explore free or low- cost public benefits.
Several websites can pro- vide help in identifying and getting help with caregiving tasks. Check out the govern- ment’s eldercare locator. The National Council on Aging op- erates a benefits checklist serv- ice, and the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging has extensive infor- mation on caregiving help, plus an online locator to a local office in your area.
3. Learn about the new Medicare and Medicaid.
A lot has changed. Think Medicare covers nursing-home stays? It does not. Medicaid does, but only people who have exhausted most of their assets qualify for Medicaid-paid nursing home benefits. What kind of Medicare coverage does your parent have? Do they also have a Medigap or
Medicare Advantage policy? A drug plan? What are the co- pays, out-of-pocket limits, and other financial aspects of their insurance? Please be sure to do your research on Medicare and Medicaid.
4. Understand the costs of keeping your parent in their home.
Most people want to grow older in their own home, sur- rounded by possessions and memories. How much will such “aging in place” cost, and can you find help? It may be time to take a detailed look at in-home and institutional care costs.
5. Consider profes- sional help.
We hear it all the time, “no- body can take care of my fam- ily like family”. But there are some trained professionals with a long history of caring for others that can help ease the burden. If your parent’s needs are extensive and challenging, consider hiring a geriatric care manager who can put together a care plan for you, and can often identify community re- sources to reduce your own ex- penses and time. Be sure to research their rating and refer- ences. The National Associa- tion of Professional Geriatric Care Managers can explain professional standards and services, and also has a locator to help you find a professional
6. Watch out for finan- cial scams.
Financial abuse of the eld- erly has, sadly, become a growth industry during the na- tion’s tough economic times. Make sure your parents are protected from making hasty, poor, and expensive financial decisions.
7. Make your health a priority too.
So many times, when we take care of the people we love, we forget about our own health and our own well-being. But we must remember if we aren’t healthy, how can we take care of someone else? Be sure to get enough sleep, take shifts if
you need to, eat healthy and not just when you can. Taking care of yourself will give you the energy and strength to care for the ones you love.
8. Have “the conversa- tion.”
Make sure you understand what your parent wants should you wind up with the legal power and responsibility to make decisions for them. This conversation may be uncom- fortable for both of you, but it is essential. If you don’t know the ins and outs of a power of attorney, a living will, or a healthcare proxy—and few people do—find an eldercare expert or attorney to help.
9. Make your own re- tirement plan.
How are you fixed for re- tirement? Will you be able to support yourself? How might your financial future be af- fected by taking care of a par- ent? Are there steps you need to take to deal with these im- plications?

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