Page 11 - Florida Sentinel 6-5-20
P. 11

   Ruth's List Florida Chairman Of The Board Responds To Nationwide Outrage, Summons Protesters To Action
 TAMPA - Responding to the outrage over the murder of George Floyd spurring tens of thousands of pro- testers to take to the streets throughout Florida and the nation demanding an end to the slayings of unarmed black citizens, Ruth's List Florida Chairman of the Board, The Honorable Arthenia Joyner on Mon- day called for a re-channel- ing of that energy into the voting booth. The former state Senator and long-time civil rights advocate issued the following statement:
“The American people, bound by their determina- tion to end the senseless killings that have torn apart
our nation for too long, have focused the eyes of the world on an unequal justice system that thrives in countless cities and towns across our country. They have laid bare the preju- dices that spur the cruelty we have witnessed and in- spired the calls for systemic change demanded by all those yearning to breathe free. We are at a pivotal mo- ment.
“The marches, the protests, the cries from coast to coast, in the names of, among others, Eric Garner, Philando Castille, Breonna Tay- lor, Ahmaud Arbery, and now, George Floyd,
have raised the national consciousness, afflicted the politically comfortable, and inspired a movement. But they have not ended police brutality, or fundamentally changed our lopsided crim-
inal justice system. It is within our power to make that change happen. Change on the street cannot happen without change in our laws and change in our laws be- gins with change in the vot- ing booth.
“On behalf of Ruth's List Florida, whose mission is to elect progressive, women candidates from the highest national offices to the most local ones, I call on the angry, the disaffected, the discouraged, the deter- mined, the young and the old, the Black and the white, to join us in this effort. The right to vote is our most fundamental responsibility, the power we give ourselves
to ensure that our country truly is of, by, and for the people. But we must use it.
“This election season, let us channel the energy we took to the streets, into the voting booths. Let our voices demanding change echo throughout our com- munities, our state, and our nation, as we mark our bal- lots for candidates who will transform our calls for equal justice into laws that guar- antee an equal justice sys- tem. And let us proclaim to the world: This is what democracy looks like.”
For more information about Ruth’s List Florida please visit: http://www.

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