Page 19 - Florida Sentinel 10-8-21
P. 19

Cold and flu season can be horrible, especially when it comes to getting through a pan- demic and symptoms can be confusing. Food, drinks specifi- cally, can either help or hurt your immune system and clear up your mucus. Drinks that make mucus thicker and harder to get out of your body are prob- ably some of your favorites. So avoid drinks like alcohol, coffee, and other caffeinated drinks.
Staying hydrated thins mucus, making it easier to expel by coughing.
hot beverages provide “im- mediate and sustained relief” from congestion and accompa- nying symptoms, such as sneez- ing, a nagging cough, a sore
throat, and chills.
Cayenne Pepper Water
Cayenne pepper is a popular spice that can help to shake up the phlegm in your throat and clear airways. To make a drink from this spice, boil a cup of hot water and add a half of a tea- spoon to it; then stir and sip. If you can’t stomach the bold spicy flavor, add cayenne to your fa- vorite hot tea blend or some beef, chicken or veggie broth to
sip on.
A traditional folk remedy for colds and flus, bone broth pro- vides a rich array of nutrients (especially gelatin) that support
your immune system. Cysteine, an amino acid found in chicken, helps to thin mucus so it can be expelled more easily. When fighting a cold, make a chicken broth with added spices or pep- pers to help keep the mucus moving.
Alkaline-Rich Drink
to many ex-
perts, diseases
cannot exist in
an alkaline en-
vironment and
begin to occur
when your body
becomes too
acidic. Adding a squeeze of lemon or lime to a glass of water is one way to make your water more alkaline as your body di- gests it.
In additon, by following a diet that is rich in alkaline foods, such as most fruits and vegeta- bles, soybeans and tofu, and some nuts, seeds, and legumes, you may see a restoration of your body’s natural alkaline state, re- sulting in mucus leaving and detoxifying your diseased body.
Root Teas
While licorice
might not be your
first choice as a
candy treat
(yuck), it can help
with your phlem.
Licorice root has
been long been
used in traditional medicine for a variety of conditions, including coughs, infections, and digestive problems.
Studies have indicated that licorice may be effective at stop- ping the growth of several species of bacteria, fungi, and even some viruses. It also ap-
pears to have both anti-inflam- matory and antioxidant proper- ties.
Additionally, a study in mice found that components in licorice could decrease cough frequency by between 30 and 78 percent. The study also found that the licorice compounds can act as expectorants, which may help loosen up mucus.
Pregnant women should avoid using licorice root. Also, keep in mind that consuming large quantities of licorice root can potentially cause high blood pressure or drops in potassium levels.
           Bone Broth

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