Page 9 - Florida Sentinel 3-18-22
P. 9

   Popular Community Activist Dies After Brief Illness
 BY IRIS B. HOLTON Sentinel City Editor
Ms. Vivian Heyward, a popular community activist and Tampa native died fol- lowing a brief illness. Ms. Heyward was 72-years-old.
Ms. Heyward grew up in Jackson Heights and at- tended the local schools of Hillsborough County. After graduating from Middleton High School with the class of 1968, Ms. Heyward contin- ued her education at Hills- borough Community College.
Ms. Heyward returned to Springfield College and earned her B. A. degree in 2009.
She entered the work- force, being employed at sev- eral businesses and organizations during her life- time.
She willingly wore many hats in the community, in- cluding having the distinc- tion of being the first Black woman to sell used cars. It was while she was serving in this capacity that she launched the “Stop the Vio- lence Candlelight Vigil” Cam-
Ms. Heyward said a
young man had purchased a car from her and within days was shot and killed. She held a candlelight vigil in his honor and invited the com- munity to come out and re- member their loved ones. It was very successful.
The following year, the event drew an even larger crowd as more and more young people died violent deaths.
Ms. Heyward encour- aged their survivors to bring candles, wear tee shirts hon- oring their loved ones, and join others with the same ex- periences.
Ms. Heyward held the event each year for more than 20 years. She would in- vite elected officials, clergy, community leaders, and oth- ers to attend the event. Her goal was to draw attention to the ever-growing list of names each year.
In 2000, Ms. Heyward was hired at DAACO and moved through the ranks, reaching the position of Sub- stance Abuse Counselor until
She was also a member of Jackson Heights Neighbor- hood Crime Watch, Positive Image, the NAACP, Rise Up for Peace, and the Gospel Chorus at New Bethel Pro- gressive Missionary Baptist Church.
Some of the honors and awards she received in- cluded: On-Que Magazine “Citizen of the Year;” City of Tampa Police Department Chief’s Award; Women Up- lifted Award; Woman of In- tegrity; Yes You Can, Beacon of Light; Security Profes- sional Award; 100 Distin- guished Black Women of Hillsborough County; and Rise Up for Peace.
Ms. Heyward is sur- vived by several children,
grandchildren, great grand- children, siblings, nieces, nephews, other family mem- bers and friends.
Funeral services will be held on Saturday. Wilson Fu- neral Home in charge of han- dling arrangements.
    MS. VIVIAN HEYWARD 1/3/1950 --- 3-13-22
her retirement in 2015.
Ms. Heyward was a longtime member of New Bethel Progressive Mission-
ary Baptist Church.

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