Page 20 - Florida Sentinel 10-29-21
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For long-term breast cancer survivors, nut consumption is associated with improved dis- ease-free survival, according to a study published online Oct. 20 in the International Journal of Cancer. This could be beneficial for Black women who have an 80% five-year survival rate com- pared to 91% for white women.
Breast cancer survivors who ate more than one-half ounce of nuts per week had five-year sur- vival rates of up to 95%, accord-
ing to the study. This percentage is higher than those without nuts in their diet. Additionally, 94% of the women who consumed nuts on a regular basis did not experience a recurrence, or re- turn, of their breast cancer within five years of recovery from their initial illness, re- searchers note.
Why are nuts good for your health?
There are many health bene- fits to including nuts in your
diet.”Nuts are rich in several nu- trients, including unsaturated fatty acids, protein, fiber, vita- mins, minerals and other bioac- tive constituents, such as phytosterols and phenolic com- pounds, that have known health benefits,” Dr. Xiao-Ou Shu, a professor of cancer research at Vanderbilt University in Nashville says.
Many nuts and seeds contain omega-3 fatty acids, which ac- cording to researchers are anti- inflammatory, help prevent cancer and protect cell struc- tures and walls.
The benefits of consuming nuts on a regular basis don’t stop with the prevention of breast cancer, however. Nuts can pro- vide a range of health benefits and prevent other forms of can- cer.
“Many mechanisms of can- cer development, such as exces- sive oxidative stress and chronic inflammation, are shared across cancers,” Shu adds.”Thus, we speculate that benefits of nut consumption that we observed for breast cancer survivors can be extended to survivors of other cancer, though direct evidence on this is needed.”
Which nuts should you add to your diet? Here are nine nuts you should add to your diet:
1. Almonds
Almonds are tree nuts that may improve your cholesterol levels. Although evidence is in- sufficient, studies show that an almond-rich diet can reduce your “bad” cholesterol (LDL), total cholesterol and oxidized LDL cholesterol. This promotes heart health.
Additionally, consuming al- monds as part of a low-calorie diet can promote weight loss and lower blood pressure in those who are overweight and obese.
Almonds are also beneficial to people with diabetes as they lower the rise in blood sugar that typically occurs after a meal by as much as 30%. Almonds also reduce inflammation in people who have type 2 diabetes.
Almonds also support the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, including Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus.
2. Pistachios
Pistachios are high in fiber and can increase your “good” cholesterol (HDL). Pistachios
also improve common heart dis- ease risk factors including blood pressure, weight oxidative status (blood levels that contribute to heart disease).
Much like almonds, pista- chios can also reduce the spike in your blood sugar after a meal.
3. Walnuts
Walnuts are filled with omega-3 fatty acids alpha- linolenic acid (ALA), which helps improve heart disease risk fac- tors. Studies show that consum- ing walnuts can significantly reduce your total cholesterol and “bad” cholesterol and increase your “good” cholesterol.
Walnuts also promote heart health including blood pressure and the normal flow of blood through your circulatory system.
What’s more studies show that walnuts can reduce inflam- mation that may contribute to chronic diseases and have bene- ficial effects on the brain.
4. Cashews
Cashews are also a part of the tree nut family. They can im- prove blood pressure in people with metabolic syndrome. Adding cashews to your diet will also result in lower blood pres- sure and increased levels of “good” cholesterol.
5. Pecans
A few studies have shown that pecans can lower “bad” cho- lesterol and improve the antiox- idant profiles in your blood.
A diet that consists of nuts, legumes, and seeds is a great way to prevent breast cancer and any other cancer or health-re- lated complications. Just re- member that they can also be high in calories. Therefore you should moderate your intake. Try consuming them in small quantities several times throughout the week.

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