Page 21 - Florida Sentinel 10-29-21
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sex partners, it’s imperative to disclose your real sexual his- tory to your doctor. They are not there to judge you, they are there to help you be your healthiest self, and she can’t do that without all the relevant info.
Your partner is dangerous.
Physicians are trained to help patients in high-risk situ- ations. You might be embar- rassed to tell your someone that your partner is physically or emotionally abusive, but you should never be afraid to tell your doctor.
You’re using alternative treatments.
From taking probiotics to
seeing an acupuncturist, it’s key to give your doc a full view of your current health situa- tion. Leave something out, and she might miss that in- fected puncture site on your back or not catch that your probiotic is the reason for your increased bloating.
You’re feeling (really) blue.
If stress is keeping you up at night or depression is mak- ing it hard to get off the couch, don’t hesitate to sound the alarm. They might need to change your medication— some drugs have been found to cause depression—or refer you to a mental health pro.
     You’re not good at taking the meds they prescribed.
Whether you’ve missed a birth control pill (or four) or didn’t finish the antibiotic she gave you for that cough you can’t seem to shake, your doc- tor needs to know what you’re taking—and not taking—to properly treat you. ‘Fess up now to avoid an incorrect di- agnosis or a lingering illness.
You’re doing a cleanse.
Whether it involves taking pills or drinking all your meals for a week, doing a cleanse for more than a few days could cause nutrient deficiencies or dehydration. Ask your doctor for guidance if you want to do a cleanse. And if your goal is to lose weight, work together to create a diet and exercise plan that you can stick to for the long haul.
You use drugs.
From weed to “borrowed” pills to cigarettes, the drugs
you take can impact your health and have unexpected interactions with your pre- scribed medications. So be honest when they ask about your habits; privacy laws mean that it will stay between the two of you.
You have potty issues.
Forget about embarrass-
ment—everybody poops! Speak up if you’re having trou- ble peeing or if your stool is ir- regular. Your symptoms could be signs of an infection or even cancer.
You’re having unprotected sex.
Whether you’re only smashing bae or have multiple

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